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Eric "Ironside" Ericson

Head Coach:
"Dogsbody" the Servant


Team Colours:
Purple with white highlights

Vostok Iron Head
"If there are no more challenges for me to meet head on, then I shall make one of my own."

Thus spoke Eric Ericson, son of Eric Ericson who was also the son of Eric Ericson from the long and noble line of Eric Ericsons to his council. For the man who had taken on any challenge that cared to approach him (which wasn't much), had found nothing left to amuse him within his own realm, and so sought a new trial to test himself. To this end he found one worthy of his attention in the internationally acclaimed sport of Blood Bowl, and set out with the best and brightest of his tribesmen to compete with the best of the best in the world's greatest game in the quest for eternal glory!

By which we mean he got his put-upon and grumbling servant whose only name was 'Dogsbody' to go into the village and pick out any sprightly and bored looking menfolk to play violent and dangerous ball-sports for the amusement and glory of their chieftain. What they may lack in any skill or knowledge of the game what so ever or even armour beyond a loincloth and shoulder pads, will be made up for in spades through strength of arms, iron-headed courage, and Block on nearly every single player.

I recite now the saga of the warriors of Vostok on their adventure into the annals of Blood Bowl history.

Year Two

Upon the 11th day of the month of August in the Autumn Season of the 2nd Year, the Iron Head joined the CIBBL league for the first time, matched within the Inter-Regional Granite Division against 6 teams of equal worth.
The first match was a 1-0 Victory for the Iron Head versus the rotting Pittsburgh Scabbers. Harkon Halverson was almost laid low by a foul Beast of Nurgle as the first block he ever sustained, but was saved by the Apothecary. It took a desperate single dice block versus Franco Hellish the Pestigor and a mad breakaway dash by Gunnar with the ball during the 2nd half to secure a close fought victory.
The second match was a 3-0 Victory for the Iron head versus the stalwart Kislev Griffin Legion. The match was dominated by two blitzes on the kick off, with multiple members of the Iron Head sending Kislev players to the dugout including the Trained Bear at the hand of Bjorn, and Gunnar scoring his first ever hat trick in a match. The end of this match saw "Ambisinister" Xander join the Iron Head as the second Runner.
The third match was a 2-0 Victory for the Iron Head versus the brawny Emerald Forest Watchmen. The match was a brutal and arduous fight for both sides that ended with both rosters being unable to field a full team come full time. Harkon Halverson had another close brush with death (Saved by the Apothecary), Hegan took out the Albion's Fen Beast in a reckless block, and Gunnar once again scored the teams winning touchdowns, mostly due to the new Runner being taken out of action early and refusing to leave the KO box. The end of this match saw The Notorious Jerk, the team's first Berserker join the Iron Head.
The forth match was a 1-2 Loss for the Iron Head versus the cuddly Bear Clutchers. A misstep from Halvor; a trip from Gunnar, a failed block by Hagen, and a failed attempt to pick up the ball in the last half, all culminated in what was to be at least a 1-1 draw, turning into the first loss sustained by the team since it's inception. A rather sore point to the Great Eric Ericsson is that the loss to his great team was not to any of those teams he considered to be great warriors, but to a team that amounted to cuddly teddy bears and overgrown rats. A thousand, thousand curses upon the misshapen head of the accursed Dinkum Roo!
The fifth match was a 1-2 Loss for the Iron Head versus the shifting Ali's Anarchists. The Vostok prided themselves in being the strongest fighting team in the division, this did not seem to be the case when up against the Numas Tomb Guardians. Player after player was knocked out and dragged off the pitch, and with the shuffling skeletons being able to bring more players to bear for the duration of the game against the Iron Head, heroic attempted counter-attacks by Gunnar, Jerk, the hobbled Crosby and even a fortuitous riot in the closing seconds of the game, could not prevent an inevitable defeat.
The sixth and final match was a 1-1 Draw for the Iron Head versus the Slaves of the Serpent Queen. Both sides ran the hardest defense they could possibly against the other's advances, without much in the way of blood spilled or yards advanced. In fact it was only an unfortunate failed attempt to pick the ball up by Gunnar in the last half, followed by the wrong runner picking it up afterwards that prevented the match from being a win. However a rather convoluted series of bureaucratic blunders, scheduling conflicts and failure to communicate between departments has match down as a 2-1 Victory to the Iron Head over the Servants. Jarl Eric Ericson has denied all knowledge or involvement despite not being asked about it. The last human member of the Iron Heads, The Vainglorious Vali finally rounded out the full roster at the end of the season.
And thus was the debut of the Vostok Iron Head, unfortunate blunders against woefully underestimated competition prevented them from securing first place in the division. However, a 3rd place finish, was celebrated by the team who were slated to come dead last in the league itself, if that wasn't something to drink to, then what was?

The only member who wasn't in wild celebration was Dogsbody, for he knew the truth of the matter. That come the Spring season, they would be up against other teams within the Albion and Norsca regions. Teams who have been playing for much longer then they have, teams with experience, teams who are in the big leagues already.

Spring was coming for the Vostok Iron Head.

Year Three

No matches played
0/0/3. No comment.
3/0/2. The Iron Head almost won the tournament defeating teams far more veteran than themselves in the process, but fell at the very last hurdle against the Sartosa Black Flags.
1/2/3. The Iron Head started off with a stellar game against the Skaven of Clan Skyre that convinced them that this would be the season to turn around the team's misfortunes.

What followed were 5 games where the dice; the pitch and even the weather itself dogged their efforts at every step leading to what is possibly the tied worst season of the team so far.

Year Four

The performance in Year 3 Autumn rendered the team unable to take part in winter. Due to Jarl Eric Ericson recalling the Longboat to take them home and making them walk back to Norsca from Sylvania instead.
1/1/1. The 2nd Spring Season was not kind to the Iron Head, even more so than the previous spring. Although they finished in 2nd place, with a record that was much better than the last Spring season, starting with the Fimir game every game afterwards was punishing to the extreme with the team often being down its considerable bench due to extreme levels of serious injuries sustained against them.

This has resulted in the death of Crosby the Stout the star fouler of Iron Head, the retirement of Halvor the Rock the team's designated Kicker after sustained injuries to the legs and neck reduced him to dwarf stats, and the serious injury of Featherweight Gunnar, breaking his 22 game appearance streak. But the one win breaking a deadlock of terrible misfortune have stirred the team's forlorn fans into action, with new additions joining the team including Turpin of Vostok, the team's first Thrower.
1/2/2, final position 6th.
When we had come straight from the great disaster to the team that was the second season of Spring, we had assumed the worst had come to pass. We thought this back to back array of serious injuries and deaths of important team linemen would be the last bit of misfortune we would suffer before our karma turned.

We were sorely mistaken.

The Mysterious Stig a promising Berserker, died versus the soft southlanders in the very first game. Harkon Halvarson slayer of Lirrikeet Sharpblade was laid low by a foul Malal boot and converted to their side, the Notorious Jerk suffered a severe skull fracture in this very same game and can never take a punch as well again. Featherweight Gunnar will never walk the same again after a genital-less Arabian brute crushed his ankle and Haldor Halvarson had his neck broken by the damnable, thrice-cursed tree monsters.

We've lost important players or had them crippled over the course of five games, but the worst injury of all was that we came so close to our first divisional win, and it was squandered. The wounds to our pride are even worse than the wounds to our bodies, but only just.

And in times where even our best fall short it comes to something when Ambisinister Xander; notorious ball fumbler, least favoured member of the team by Jarl Eric Ericson, thricely-cursed and veritable misfortune magnet over the course of this season, suddenly became one of the most dangerous players on the entire team. When he left one night after the draw versus the stinking followers of Nurgle and came back the next day swollen with muscle mass that wasn't there the night before, no one had deigned to ask how this came to be, no one had dared to.


The Shrine of Vengeance
The following teams have slighted the Iron Heads, and for their crimes will be made to pay the Iron Price.

>Injuries against the team of Jarl Ericson totalling eleven accounts of grievous injury, including five crippling injuries, the retirement of an Ulfwerener, and one death of a hired lines person.
>Robbery of the team's RIGHTFUL first place victory within the competition of Spring 2604 and use of illegally durable pixies.

>Grand Theft of the Iron Head's deserved 1st place victory within the Lesser Dragon Grapple of Summer 2603 through the employment of criminal dark elves, planted agents within the audience and the sabotage of esteemed player Xander's footwear.

>Murder, Grave-Robbing and Kidnapping of Harkon Halvarson valuable and respected Ulfwerner of the Vostok Iron Head. Refusal to transfer back the player to his original team is a minor offense on top but still an offense.
>Grievous bodily harm against The Notorious Jerk emerging star Player of the Vostok Iron head to a near career ending level. An additional punishment to be meted out to the Apothecary who failed both of these players.

New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Pa Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
6 3 3+ - 7+
Block, Dauntless
Dodge, Side Step, Diving Tackle, Guard, Tackle
-ma, m 37 0 19 0 4 5 90/126 240k
6 4 2+ - 8+
  13 0 0 0 2 2 14/16 135k
6 4 1+ - 7+
Block, Guard
-ag, -av, m 26 0 0 0 4 3 23/31 165k
6 3 3+ - 7+
Block, Pass
Strong Arm
  18 3 0 0 0 1 8/16 100k
6 3 3+ - 7+
Block, Drunkard, Thick Skull
Dirty Player
  23 0 1 0 1 1 10/16 80k
6 3 3+ - 7+
Block, Drunkard, Thick Skull
  16 0 0 0 1 0 2/6 50k
6 3 2+ - 7+
Block, Drunkard, Thick Skull
-ag 36 0 0 0 4 0 8/16 80k
6 3 3+ - 7+
Block, Drunkard, Thick Skull
  25 0 0 0 1 0 2/6 50k
6 3 3+ - 7+
Block, Drunkard, Thick Skull
  37 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 50k
6 3 3+ - 7+
Block, Drunkard, Thick Skull
  9 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 50k
6 3 3+ - 7+
Block, Drunkard, Thick Skull
  3 0 0 0 1 0 2/6 50k
7 4 3+ - 7+
Block, Dauntless
Sure Hands, Dodge, Side Step, +ST, Guard
  37 8 21 0 2 3 90/126 260k
6 3 3+ - 7+
Block, Frenzy, Jump Up
Mighty Blow
  7 0 0 0 3 1 11/16 120k
6 3 3+ - 7+
Block, Frenzy, Jump Up
Mighty Blow, Guard, Tackle
  14 0 0 0 6 5 37/51 180k
Snow Troll
5 5 1+ - 8+
Claws, Disturbing Presence, Frenzy, Loner, Unchannelled Fury
Block, Pro, Mighty Blow
  21 0 0 0 11 3 37/51 230k
13 players (+2 players missing next game)
Coach: Nabster Re-Rolls (120k): 4  
Race: Norse (CIBBL) Dedicated Fans: 7  
Current Team Value: 1690k Assistant Coaches: 0  
Treasury: 210k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 2040k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:39 (13/7/19) |TD Diff:-4 (45 - 49) |Cas Diff:-21 (51/32/8 - 61/42/9)
Last Opponent: Ynys Morien Mabsantwyr