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Location: San Crisbosnia de las Casas
Nickname: Screaming Rag
Stadium: Oranges Beards
Surface: Bones

Group of slayers looking for revenge for their misstep as a team of dwarves. Their grievances will be paid by others



Win SL Champion defeating Nuln Castrators

Ex-Champion: Lose vs Stick in your Eye


Replace with your own records:


Best Performance (Damage)

Doom Skeeker Dakk yep; Six Kills, Two NI
Giant Slayer Krag Stoneflesh; Five Kills (Killer of Matthias and Konrad of Nuln Castrators), One NI, One -Ag, One -Av
Slayer Thrain Wolfbite; Four Kills, Two -Ma, One -Ag
Dwarf Yarg Fisthammer; One Kill, One -St, One NI, Two -Ma
Long Drong Slayer Droid "Northern" Cestra; One Kill
Giant Slayer August BlackBear; One -Ag
Dwarf Lineman Cabo Melquiades; One Kill by Foul
Giant Slayer Asbjorn "Suffering" Anlafsson;One -Av
Long Drong Slayer Aaron Hideoussnake; One Larsson

Great Dead Players

Rip Hommer Duffman S5 carrier by foul of Shadowland and People Eaters
Rip Giant Slayer Matthew Firefist; One Kill, One -Ma
Dwarf Lineman Little John; One Kill, One -Ma
Dwarf Lineman Erik RedBeard; One Kill
Dwarf Lineman Rob Steinn; One Kill, One -Ag
Dwarf Lineman Gior Quickhammer; One Kill, One -Av
Dwarf Lineman Satty the Grizly One -Ag

Grudges & Vendetta
Para todo Mal toma MEZCAL, para todo Bien TAMBIEN...

Book of Grudges & Vendettas

Pittzbur'gh Stealers coached by Jim_Fear (0/0/1)
TD 1-2
Cas 1-1
Foul 1-0

Screaming got:
NI Slayer Super Star Thrain Wolfbite

Galaga coached by Gary_Gygax (0/0/1)
TD 0-2
Cas 4-0
Foul 9-0

Tijuana Charros coached by Amon242 (1/0/0)
TD 1-0
Cas 2-0
Foul 6-3

Screaming got:
Dead Dwarf Lineman Rookie Tristan "Ugly" Sorod
Dead Dwarf Lineman Rookie Cachondo Sindarra

Dyrinor's Drifting Dolphins coached by Bram (0/0/1)
TD 0-1
Cas 2-1
Foul 1-0

Elfi got:
-Av Sea Elf Lineman Veteran Guardiano del Faro

Elfi di Nettuno coached by Gary_Gigax (0/0/1)
TD 1-2
Cas 4-1
Foul 4-1

Elfi got:
-Av Sea Elf Lineman Veteran Guardiano del Faro

La Zarpa coached by Rictor (1/0/0)
TD 2-1
Cas 9-4
Foul 2-9

La Zarpa got:
Dead Flesh Golem Experienced Fidel III, (SL)
Screaming got:
-Av Dwarf Lineman Emerging Yarg Fishhammer, (SL)
Dead Dwarf Lineman Rookie Tora Tora Mer, (SL)
-Ag Slayer Emerging August BlackBear, (SL)
NI Giant Slayer Veteran Slag the Tussok, (SL)

Minotarri coached by torabora (1/0/0)
TD 2-0
Cas 3-1
Foul 1-2

Minotarri got:
Dead Minotaur Veteran Fede Covid, (SL)

Horny Squadron coached by Araznaroth (1/0/0)
TD 1-0
Cas 3-1
Foul 1-1

Horny got:
NI Bestigor Veteran Knarft, (SL)
NI Gor Rookie Petet, (SL)

Crazy Fellows coached by EnglishJake (0/0/1)
TD 0-1
Cas 5-0
Foul 1-0

Embutidos y Salazones coached by arturidas (0/0/1)
TD 0-1
Cas 1-5
Foul 2-6

Embutidos got;
Dead Chaos Thug Veteran Operario30, [SL] Championship
Rag got:
Dead Dwarf Veteran Kondor the LuckyOne, [SL] Championship
Dead Dwarf Emerging Little John, [SL] Championship
-Ma Dwarf Veteran Erick RedBeard, [SL] Championship
-Av Dwarf Rookie Konrad of Nuln, [SL] Championship

Ludicrous Speed coached by Kzarik (1/0/1)
TD 3-4
Cas 13-1
Foul 2-0

Ludicrous got:
-Ag Night Runner Rookie Cory Whiterock, (SL) Championship
-Ma Assassin Star Dark Helmet, [SL] Championship
Dead Gutter Runner Star Dot Matrix, [SL] Championship

Envolved Slaanesh coached by blackGigio (1/0/0)
TD 1-0
Cas 4-2
Foul 0-0

Slaughter Your Team coached by tussock (1/0/1)
TD 2-4
Cas 2-9
Foul 3-0

Screaming got:
Dead Giant Slayer Veteran Slag the Tussok, SL Championship & Challenger Swiss
Dead Giant Slayer Rookie Greasily the Castrator, SL Championship & Challenger Swiss

Los Delincuentes coached by Santir (1/0/0)
TD 1-0
Cas 3-2
Foul 0-1

Delincuentess got:
-Ag Brutal Rookie Pape II
Dead Kurgan Marauder Emerging Chispo

Embutidos y Salazones coached by Arturidas (0/0/1)
TD 0-1
Cas 2-3
Foul 0-5

Embutidos got:
-Ag Khorne Warrior Super Star Electrosegadora

Federation Ganadera coached by Rictor (0/1/0)
TD 1-1
Cas 2-1
Foul 0-1

Ganadera got:
Dead Gor Rookie Walaby

Wycovondon Stingers coached by lanky316 (1/0/0)
TD 2-0
Cas 5-2
Foul 0-0

Stick in the Eye coached by Kondor (0/0/1)
TD 0-1
Cas 4-0
Foul 0-0

Stick got:
Dead Sister Emerging Sister Samantha Stern

Nuln Castrators coached by MenonaLoco (2/1/1)
TD 4-4
Cas 11-17
Foul 13-14

Castrators got:
Dead Khorne Warrior Veteran Matti
Dead Khorne Warrior Super Star Konrad
-Av Minotaur Emerging ANguS
NI Chaos Thug Experienced Oasch mit Oan
Dead Khorngor Star Matthias, Match for Belt SL
Screaming got:
Dead Gian Slayer Experienced Augost Blackbear, SL Championship & Challenger Swiss
Dead Lineman Dwarf Zrogg the FaceKicker, SL Championship & Challenger Swiss
NI LineDwarf Veteran Zrogg the FaceKicker
Dead LineDwarf Rookie Riktor the Pirate

El Sindicato de Estibadores coached by Rictor (0/0/3)
TD 0-4
Cas 8-8
Foul 4-10

Sindicato got:
Dead Pirate Rookie Asustio
-Ma Captain Emerging Rododendra
Dead Rookie Pirate Eufemiano
-Ag Super Star Long Drongs Slayer Soronio el Duro
Rag got:
-Ma Lineman Dwarf Emerhing Yarg Fisthammer
-Av Lineman Dwarf Emerging Little John

Loterias y apuestas del Estado coached by Arturidas (1/0/0)
TD 2-0
Cas 4-2
Foul 0-2

Loterías got:
-Ma Plague Monk Rookie Reintegro
Dead Plague Monk Veteran Quinigol III
Screaming got:
-Ma LineDwarf Veteran Erik RedBeard

Fetterleiners coached by Droide (0/1/0)
TD 1-1
Cas 1-3
Foul 1-4

Screaming got:
Dead Emerging Long Droned Slayer Quelt the Brave

Once Were Pirates coached by iena (0/0/1)
TD 1-2
Cas 0-1
Foul 0-3

Happy Parasites coached by MenonaLoco (0/0/1)
TD 0-1
Cas 3-3
Foul 2-4

Screaming got:
Dead LineDwarf Nicholas Grottyorc

Sonrientes Malditos coached by renard_sagw (2/0/0)
TD 3-0
Cas 4-7
Foul 1-3

Screaming got:
Dead Veteran Slayer Kurg CleaningSoul

Sisters of Mercy Live coached by Azalnubizar (1/0/1)
TD 2-2
Cas 5-1
Foul 0-4

Screaming got:
Dead Emerging Giant Slayer Matthew Firefist

Blue Bones Clan coached by blackGigio (0/0/1)
TD 0-1
Cas 5-3
Foul 1-0

Bones got:
Dead Blue Horror Rookie Chorgo
Screaming got:
-Av Star Player Flint Churnblade

Death before Breakfast coached by Sigmar1 (1/0/0)
TD 2-0
Cas 3-3
Foul 1-1

Death got:
-St Slayer Veteran Gordor Ankle-biter
Screaming got:
Dead Star Player Flint Churnblade

Athel-Loren Avengers coached by Nightbreed (0/0/1)
TD 0-1
Cas 2-1
Foul 1-6

Avengers got:
Dead Rookie Dryad Mossleg

Bilebellies coached by Jokaero (1/0/0)
TD 1-0
Cas 5-0
Foul 0-2

Bilebellies got:
Dead Rookie Nurgling Cut ‘n’ Shoot Johnson

ELf from Deeper Sea coached by Zabriskie69 (0/0/1)
TD 0-2
Cas 2-2
Foul 0-0

Elf got:
Dead LineElf Veteran Lionel

Palace of Pleasure coached by Bram (0/0/1)
TD 2-3
Cas 6-5
Foul 1-0

Screaming got:
-Av Lineman Dwarf Experienced Satty the Grizly

We've Come For Your Booty coached by Mootzilla (1/0/0)
TD 1-0
Cas 1-1
Foul 0-8

Body got:
Dead Rookie Skeleton Pirate Jack Sparrow

Nurgle's Rotters coached by awambawamb (0/1/1)
TD 1-2
Cas 3-3
Foul 1-7

Rotters got:
Rip Rotter Rookie Dreadful Shadow

Garra de Obsidiana coached by MenonaLoco (0/1/0)
TD 0-2
Cas 3-0
Foul 0-1

Garra got:
-Ma Star Samurai kaitchu

Princes of OOO coached by huysmans (0/0/1)
TD 0-3
Cas 2-0
Foul 0-0

Screaming got:
-St Emerging Slayer Tom Nightting
-Ag Veteran Lineman Dwarf Gior Quickhammer

Khorne´s Way coached by LVCIVS (0/1/0)
TD 0-0
Cas 4-0
Foul 0-0

Khorne got:
NI Rookie Bloodletter Hehus Rfuseycn

Khaine's Blades coached by MattDakka (0/0/2)
TD 1-4
Cas 6-0
Foul 0-0

Blades got:
-Ma Rookie Neophyte Xavier Palefield

Horrible Horde coached by Crook666 (1/0/0)
TD 1-0
Cas 2-1
Foul 0-1

Horde got:
Dead Veteran Ghoul Blaghburst Mudstumbler
Screaming got:
Dead Lineman Dwarf Veteran Zulu the butterfly

Rockhogs coached by Nightbird (0/0/1)
TD 0-3
Cas 0-6
Foul 0-6

Screaming got:
Dead Veteran Giant Slayer Snorri Firesoul
-Ag Doom Seeker Veteran Dakk yep

Coral Crabs coached by MattDakka (0/0/1)
TD 1-2
Cas 1-2
Foul 0-0

Sigmar's Comets coached by MattDakka (0/0/2)
TD 1-3
Cas 5-4
Foul 0-0

Screaming got:
Dead Lineman Dwarf Veteran Mao Warmen
-St Rookie Giant Slayer Snorri Killthem

Lahmian Lammers coached by DonKare (0/1/0)
TD 1-1
Cas 7-0
Foul 0-0

Lammers got:
-St Lineman Rookie Strech
NI Lineman Roockie Jemano
Dead Lineman Rookie Patza

forest ranger force 8 coached by pdarbs (0/0/1)
TD 0-5
Cas 3-1
Foul 1-4

Horningtoft Jaguars coached by azzie (1/0/0)
TD 1-0
Cas 1-1
Foul 0-0

Black Sailors coached by Punkow (0/0/1)
TD 0-2
Cas 3-2
Foul 1-2

Sailors got:
Ni Long Drongs Slayers Bully Gunn

Nourgul's Nightmares coached by Nightbreed (0/1/0)
TD 1-1
Cas 3-0
Foul 1-1

Nightmares got:
NI Rookie Skeleton Tombstench

Fiuh Fighterscoached by MenonaLoco (0/0/1)
TD 0-3
Cas 4-0
Foul 0-2

Mighty Toestubbers coached by Kzarik (0/1/0)
TD 1-1
Cas 2-2
Foul 0-2

Sailors got:
Ni Long Drongs Slayers Bully Gunn

Twilight Guardians coached by Kzarik (1/0/0)
TD 2-0
Cas 2-1
Foul 0-1

Dalgatiàn Panthers coached by MrBower (0/0/1)
TD 0-3
Cas 1-3
Foul 2-0

Screaming got:
NI Rookie Long Drongs Slayer Kill the carrot

Bio template by Balle2000.
New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
Giant Slayer
5 4 2 8
Dauntless, Frenzy, Juggernaut, Thick Skull
Dodge, Block, Tackle
  18 0 0 0 6 5 37/51 180k
Giant Slayer
5 4 3 8
Dauntless, Frenzy, Juggernaut, Thick Skull
+AG, Block, Mighty Blow, Side Step, Tackle, Guard
  94 4 11 0 62 4 Legend
Slayer Runner
5 4 3 9
Dauntless, Sure Hands, Thick Skull
+AV, +ST, Block, Tackle
-ma 51 1 13 0 4 3 63/76 210k
Doom Seeker
5 8 1 8
Ball & Chain, No Hands, Secret Weapon
Guard, Block, +MA, +ST, Mighty Blow
-ag 81 0 0 0 25 7 85/176 230k
4 3 2 9
Block, Dauntless, Thick Skull
Guard, Tackle
  27 0 0 0 2 3 19/31 100k
Slayer Runner
5 3 4 8
Dauntless, Sure Hands, Thick Skull
+AG, Dodge, Block, Kick-Off Return, Tackle
-ma 59 9 29 0 5 5 131/176 220k
4 3 2 8
Block, Dauntless, Thick Skull
  0 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 60k
4 3 2 7
Block, Dauntless, Thick Skull
-av 30 0 0 0 0 2 10/16 80k
4 3 2 8
Block, Dauntless, Thick Skull
  5 0 0 0 0 2 10/16 80k
4 4 2 8
Block, Dauntless, Thick Skull
+ST, Tackle
  17 0 0 0 3 3 21/31 130k
6 3 1 9
Block, Dauntless, Frenzy, Thick Skull
+AV, +MA, Tackle, Mighty Blow
-ag, -ag, -ag 60 1 0 0 17 6 65/76 190k
4 3 2 8
Block, Dauntless, Thick Skull
Guard, Tackle
  16 0 0 0 4 2 18/31 100k
5 3 1 8
Block, Dauntless, Frenzy, Thick Skull
Dodge, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Guard, Stand Firm
-ag, n, n 80 1 0 0 47 4 115/176 200k
4 3 2 8
Block, Dauntless, Thick Skull
  5 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 60k
14 players  
Coach: GotrekSlayer Re-Rolls (100k): 4  
Race: Slayer Fan Factor: 7  
Current Team Value: 2420k Assistant Coaches: 0  
Treasury: 200k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 2420k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:98 (29/16/53) |TD Diff:-53 (77 - 130) |Cas Diff:78 (187/79/34 - 127/64/31)
Last Opponent: Sleepy Wood Titans [OL16]