High Elves are among the most wealthiest and snobbiest of all the races in the Old World. For good reason too! Few races can ever reach the same level of luxurious and comfortable lifestyle of the High Elves. Naturally they too came to the Blood Bowl world with a similar attitude and have become a well known sight across many stadiums. The Ulthuan Dragonflight are one of many of these teams.
After hearing about the Naggarothian Nightwings having taken to the Open Leagues, the Ulthuan Dragonflight was rapidly put together to show their Evil counterparts how to really play. Alyran Miththalar, founder and captain of the team, intended to show the other "lesser" teams how to really play the game and has hired among the most noble and well trained players money can buy.
Unfortunately, it was not too long later that Alyran Miththalar was killed on the field of Blood Bowl. Despite the best efforts of his personal Apothecary, the Super Star Blitzer who so believed himself invulnerable finally met his end against a Chaos team Goretown Grinder. While a devastating blow to the teams performance, the Dragonflight intend to continue on.
Captaincy has now moved to Alyathon Miththalar, brother of Alyran. In contrast to his brother, Alyathon is more focused on forging a strong, organized team rather than simply use them as an excuse to show-off and take all the glory himself. Hopefully this will also result in other members of the team being allowed to be attended by the apothecary!
Furthermore, Alyathon Miththalar has enlisted the help of numerous Star Players, most notably Prince Moranion. While the Prince has helped the team in many matches, the Star Player has been poignant about requiring additional funding on the side due to suffering numerous injuries to his person.
Recent developments however have seen Prince Moranion absent from the team. Reports have said the falling out between the team and the Prince have lead to a sudden reduction in appearances. Alyathon, ever the pompous one has decided instead to look even higher. The legendary Star, Morg N Thorg, has been seen working alongside the Ulthuan Dragonflights and has been a huge part of their recent successes. Prince Moranion denied any comments despite the media reporting a rather destitute response. Despite this, both Morg and Moranion appeared together in a match, ending 4-0 for the Ulthuan Dragonflights. It can only be assumed relations have healed somewhat.
Recently after a hiatus, the Ulthuan Dragonflights returned to the Gridiron. Their first return match saw them face off against a Nurgle team. Morg was quickly employed. Before even the first kick-off, disaster struck. A massive boulder, later confirmed to be fired from a trebuchet suspiciously close to the stadium, struck Morg down and took him out for the rest of the game. The Ulthuan Dragonflights however, managed to take the game 1-1 after a brutal and desperate battle.
Following this, Morg was once more employed against a Chaos Chosen team. The team was met with ferocity they had not seen in years, losing players rapidly. Morg himself was taken down and gang fouled twice, the second injuring him for the game. Alyathon Miththalar, Legend Blitzer and Team Captain, was struck down and crippled with a smashed ankle, with the team losing 2-4.
By a miracle and unknown means however, Alyathon Miththalar returned completely healed, some say by magical means. Their most recent match was against a Chaos Renegade team. Alyathon decided to be a little generous in his spending and so once more employed both Morg 'N Thorg and Prince Moranion. The Prince was more than eager to show off his talents and was quick to action. Throughout the match, not only did he intercept any back field threats, he also managed to sack the ball carrier three times. Morg himself managed to scrum and injure two players and even won MVP award at the end. The game ended 2-1 with the Ulthuan Dragonflights taking a victory.
However despite this success, another match against an Orc team saw a 0-2 loss, despite the best efforts of Morg and Alyathon. The team has blamed the rain in causing the result. Morg himself was just happy to get into a good scrap and Alyathon happy to survive but the other High Elves were not so pleased and insisted they played another match till they achieved victory.
Prince Moranion, ever the crafty individual, was quick to react to the recent loss of the team and insisted that his services would be better served than Morg. The High Elves, still bitter of their loss and lacking gold to hire Morg once again, allowed the Prince into their ranks. The match was against a Nurgle team which ended 1-1. Prince Moranion spent most of the game floating behind the teams' ranks, and did little but attempt to block their beast of nurgle. In the second half he was downed and was brutally gang fouled, causing a serious injury. Prince Moranion was dragged screaming over his shattered hand to the dug out, but the team managed to pull through with a draw.
Enraged with the Prince as well as the devastation wreaked on their team from the Nurgles, Alyathon once more funded Morg, this time both he and the team absolutely insistent they walk away with a victory. This time their match was against an Orc team. The match started out brutally, a massive, full scale pitch invasion erupting. Half of the Orc team was brutalized while Morg was the only victim on the Elf team. The merciless "fans" who dared attack Morg supposedly had some commercial issues with him and were returning a debt. Fortunately this merely stunned him as Morg managed to dispatch most of his attackers before any real damage was done.
Alyathon and and Rhanathal got to work and thanks to an expertly timed blitz, dispatched the ball off the humungous Orc Blitzer, allowing Alyathon to sweep in for a touchdown in the opening moments. The next drive saw the Orcs storm down the field as a massive wall of green flesh and spiked armour. Morg was quick to engage their wall, diverting the Orc's offensive push down the other side with only a few high Elves to block their advance. With such concentration of orcs locked together, it would be near impossible for the high elves to stop them reaching the endzone.
Seeing the change of pace in the situation, Morg decided enough was enough. Filled with unbridled, near daemonic rage over recent stresses (and very bad halfling beverages), Morg clearly showed how he was the Ballista. Charging straight into the middle of the newly formed wall, Morg impaled one of the Orc Star Blitzers on his massive gauntlet, Captain Blackadder, and dispatched him in such a horrifyingly brutal and grotesque way, the entire Orc team was stopped dead in their tracks in fear.
For the remainder of the match, the Orcs refused to play the ball, while Morg continued to pound any unfortunates left on the line of scrum, injuring both a Goblin and a troll. Alyathon entertained himself by passing the ball between him and a catcher. The game ended 1-0 but Alyathon could not doubt Morg had single handedly won the game in a single, well placed "block".
Alyathon now having fought once more in his "prime" and having seen a glorious victory, decided to put the team on hiatus. Much to the relief of many of the members of the Ulthuan Dragonflight, they may now return to a life of luxury, comfort and non violence.
Morg too was very pleased with all the cash the team had generally provided him and was more than happy to continue servicing them if they decided to come out of hiatus. Prince Moranion unfortunately was not able to give comment but reports have said he is still in considerable pain due to his shattered hand.
Current Players |
| | | | | | | | | |  | | |  |  |  | Past Players |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |  |  |  |  |  | 0-5 | 6-15 | 16-30 | 31-50 | 51-75 | 76-175 | 176+ |