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Team | Race | Treasury | Record (W/D/L) |
Team Value | |||||
League | |||||||||
League teams for DLE - Draft League Europe | |||||||||
-Broekwater Patriots-BG | Patriots | 14790k | 117/27/15 | 1680k | ||||
Broekwater TestPats | Patriots | 8350k | 3/1/0 | 1720k | ||||
League teams for Draft League Atlantic | |||||||||
Budapest Archers | Fort-de-France Maroons | 11590k | 45/9/12 | 1550k | ||||
League teams for Eurobowl 2020 Training | |||||||||
BretPit | Bretonnian | 390k | 1/0/0 | 950k | ||||
Warsamantic1 | Necromantic | 240k | 1/0/1 | 1100k | ||||
Warsawbrets1 | Bretonnian | 240k | 1/0/0 | 1100k | ||||
WarsawUnion3 | Elven Union | 430k | 0/0/1 | 910k | ||||
WarshamblingDeath1 | Shambling Undead | 230k | 0/0/2 | 1100k | ||||
WarshamblingDeath3 | Shambling Undead | 460k | 0/0/0 | 880k | ||||
Warslann1 | Slann | 490k | 1/0/0 | 850k | ||||
Warsumans1 | Human | 460k | 7/3/1 | 880k | ||||
Warsunderworld1 | Underworld Denizens | 450k | 0/1/0 | 890k | ||||
League teams for Magyar Bajnokság | |||||||||
Morcos Bányalakók | Chaos Dwarf | 220k | 4/1/0 | 1370k | ||||
Scheduled against 6 possible opponents. | |||||||||
League teams for NAF Online! Tournaments | |||||||||
e-NAF is enough | Shambling Undead | 0 | 0/0/0 | 1100k | ||||
Lettuce salad | Amazon | 430k | 3/1/1 | 720k | ||||
Reservoir NAF-Dogs | Human | 140k | 3/1/1 | 1100k | ||||
Wuff-Naff | Necromantic Horror | 0 | 3/2/1 | 1100k | ||||
League teams for NAF practice Dornbirn | |||||||||
Dornbirn human | Human | 900k | 1/0/0 | 1280k | ||||
Dornbirn human2 | Human | 900k | 1/0/0 | 1280k | ||||
Dornbirn Necro2 | Necromantic Horror | 900k | 5/3/2 | 1280k | ||||
Dornbirn Necro4 | Necromantic Horror | 900k | 0/1/0 | 1280k | ||||
Dornbirn Necro5 | Necromantic Horror | 720k | 1/1/1 | 1280k | ||||
Dornbirn Slann1 | Slann | 600k | 1/1/0 | 1320k | ||||
Dornbirn Slann2 | Slann | 900k | 2/0/0 | 1320k | ||||
League teams for Open League (Legacy 2016) | |||||||||
145 coaching points | Wood Elf | 90k | 1/0/0 | 810k | ||||
145 dark elf coaching pointers | Dark Elf | 30k | 1/0/0 | 1080k | ||||
League teams for Secret League Open | |||||||||
Alliances | Tilea | 240k | 7/0/0 | 1300k | ||||
Sumi ma sen | Nippon | 160k | 9/4/2 | 1710k | ||||
Ranked | |||||||||
Feywild runners | Wood Elf | 110k | 40/4/8 | 2240k | ||||
Blackbox | |||||||||
Amazons for the box | Amazon | 160k | 15/6/4 | 1450k | ||||
Flings for the box | Halfling | 10k | 8/5/5 | 1170k | ||||
Frogs for the box | Slann | 100k | 17/5/4 | 1600k | ||||
Guardian HeadLiners | Orc | 310k | 7/4/0 | 1430k | ||||
Hammers of Ice | Norse | 80k | 1/1/0 | 1050k | ||||
Ice-Surfers | Norse | 150k | 2/0/0 | 1030k | ||||
Lizards on the Toast | Lizardmen | 40k | 0/0/0 | 960k | ||||
Many shades of black | Dark Elf | 70k | 12/1/3 | 1690k | ||||
No Leap but Break nevertheless | Elven Union | 540k | 17/2/0 | 1520k | ||||
Norse for the box | Norse | 80k | 19/5/2 | 1480k | ||||
Pandora's Black-Box | Amazon | 40k | 13/6/1 | 1540k | ||||
Relentless Deathknights | Shambling Undead | 140k | 14/4/0 | 1510k | ||||
Treasure Reload | Shambling Undead | 60k | 20/7/4 | 1580k | ||||
Twice in a full moon | Necromantic Horror | 140k | 2/0/1 | 1040k | ||||
Undeads for the box | Shambling Undead | 150k | 20/4/2 | 1500k | ||||
League | |||||||||
League teams for CRP ULTRA | |||||||||
[Lsonrises] Wt Fc | SUMMER TOURNEY | 100k | 1/0/1 | 710k | ||||
League teams for Cyperpunk Draft League | |||||||||
Borg Electric | xold CDL Borg Electric | 6665k | 4/2/3 | 2565k | ||||
League teams for Decay League | |||||||||
Decaying Beauty | Amazon | 960k | 16/0/1 | 1840k | ||||
League teams for DLE - Draft League Europe | |||||||||
bghandrasDLEtest | DLE Filler | 9350k | 0/0/0 | 760k | ||||
Broekwater Patriots | Human | 8540k | 10/4/2 | 2270k | ||||
Test-riots | Patriots | 7240k | 17/3/3 | 310k | ||||
League teams for DLE College 7s | |||||||||
Broekwater Merchants | Humans | 9390k | 55/18/11 | 420k | ||||
Broekwater Royal College | Human | 9620k | 14/5/3 | 1160k | ||||
League teams for DLE2 | |||||||||
Broekwater Brawlers | Raven | 11350k | 45/9/10 | 1840k | ||||
~Girondins Bordeleaux | Golden Spears | 10150k | 5/3/3 | 1040k | ||||
League teams for DoA - Draft of Ages | |||||||||
Marienburg Mariners | Marienburg Orcas | 11110k | 18/6/5 | 1550k | ||||
League teams for Draft League Atlantic | |||||||||
Budapest Archers Sparring Team | Fort-de-France Maroons | 8670k | 0/1/0 | 1370k | ||||
Budapest Archers Test Team | Fort-de-France Maroons | 8670k | 1/0/0 | 210k | ||||
League teams for FDL - Fitz Draft League | |||||||||
New Ale'land Patriots | Human | 50k | 2/1/1 | 1790k | ||||
League teams for KCDL | |||||||||
Pandora Prankrators | Pandora Prankrators | 9740k | 1/0/1 | 1620k | ||||
League teams for Mr.Js LRB7 | |||||||||
[MJ7] Mistress | Amazon | 90k | 3/0/0 | 1150k | ||||
League teams for NAF Online! Tournaments | |||||||||
Dutch watch | Chaos Dwarf | 0 | 0/1/1 | 1100k | ||||
League teams for Open League (Legacy 2016) | |||||||||
4 Davids and 4 Goliaths | Ogre | 580k | 3/1/4 | 840k | ||||
7 calamities | Tomb Kings | 1030k | 13/3/6 | 1020k | ||||
7 drow bandits | Dark Elf | 420k | 14/1/13 | 1320k | ||||
7 saurus | Lizardmen | 40k | 0/0/0 | 960k | ||||
7 shadows in the dark | Dark Elf | 50k | 17/2/6 | 1040k | ||||
7 sisters | Amazon | 570k | 14/3/3 | 970k | ||||
7 vezer | Dark Elf | 150k | 2/0/2 | 1030k | ||||
7s amazon test team bghandras | Amazon | 330k | 1/1/1 | 580k | ||||
7s delf test team bghandras | Dark Elf | 60k | 0/0/1 | 660k | ||||
7s khemri test team bghandras | Tomb Kings | 410k | 2/0/2 | 630k | ||||
7s lizard test team bghandras | Lizardmen | 320k | 2/0/2 | 610k | ||||
[7][T1] Pharaos | Tomb Kings | 780k | 9/6/2 | 1140k | ||||
[7][T1]Darkness | Dark Elf | 330k | 5/1/0 | 1170k | ||||
[7][T1]Ladies | Amazon | 400k | 8/0/1 | 1080k | ||||
[bghandras's Dummy 7s Team] | Vampire | 4080k | 37/0/0 | 1200k | ||||
[bghandras's Dummy RP Team] | Human | 450k | 0/0/0 | 550k | ||||
[F]emale Tutorials [FoAI] | Amazon | 50k | 0/0/0 | 950k | ||||
Alihi's mercenaries | Dark Elf | 200k | 9/3/1 | 1850k | ||||
Bladeless assasins | Dark Elf | 40k | 2/0/1 | 1190k | ||||
Clan Skryre | Clan Skryre | 9050k | 0/0/0 | 950k | ||||
Con-Troll | Underworld Denizens | 460k | 15/3/6 | 1270k | ||||
Dark River Rivals | Dark Elf | 30k | 4/0/1 | 1290k | ||||
Dark side Seveners | Dark Elf | 40k | 0/0/0 | 680k | ||||
Disease Septett | Nurgle | 50k | 8/4/6 | 1240k | ||||
Dummy Woodheads | Wood Elf | 490k | 4/0/0 | 740k | ||||
Elven movie stars | Elven Union | 270k | 10/1/5 | 1040k | ||||
EynescepetekeF | Dark Elf | 150k | 7/1/1 | 1440k | ||||
Feketepecsenye | Dark Elf | 110k | 16/4/0 | 1940k | ||||
Feywild Masters | Wood Elf | 10k | 1/0/1 | 1040k | ||||
Feywild Masterz | Wood Elf | 50k | 1/0/2 | 1040k | ||||
Fit For The Queen | Amazon | 430k | 9/0/1 | 1180k | ||||
Followers of Enya | Wood Elf | 40k | 3/0/0 | 1230k | ||||
Golden rush | Dark Elf | 50k | 1/0/5 | 1280k | ||||
Grove | Wood Elf | 140k | 8/1/3 | 1190k | ||||
Happy passers | Elven Union | 0 | 0/0/0 | 1000k | ||||
Hunriette | Amazon | 30k | 0/1/0 | 920k | ||||
I3one I-Ieads | Tomb Kings | 290k | 3/0/1 | 1080k | ||||
JeepCherokee4x4 | Human | 180k | 6/3/1 | 1220k | ||||
Joke is on themselves | Ogre | 740k | 0/0/1 | 0k | ||||
League of Ordinary Woodlinemen | Wood Elf | 170k | 8/2/1 | 1710k | ||||
Lowly ladies | Amazon | 330k | 16/3/2 | 1350k | ||||
Menzoberranzan SideStepper | Dark Elf | 80k | 7/1/3 | 1450k | ||||
Mortality level of 7 | Dark Elf | 30k | 3/0/1 | 1190k | ||||
New FoulLand Labradors | Nurgle (not in use) | 220k | 9/2/8 | 2060k | ||||
New Woodland Patriots | Elven Union | 130k | 6/1/6 | 1140k | ||||
Norsewind riders | Norse | 150k | 6/0/0 | 1210k | ||||
Not only skinks stinks | Underworld Denizens | 640k | 10/2/4 | 870k | ||||
Obvious Weapons | Goblin | 100k | 1/2/3 | 1100k | ||||
Orinoco flow | Amazon | 480k | 9/2/2 | 1400k | ||||
Pact of Minos | Chaos Renegade | 600k | 12/3/8 | 580k | ||||
Pass-able forest | Wood Elf | 180k | 9/1/1 | 1860k | ||||
RandaRagya | Nurgle | 30k | 1/0/1 | 940k | ||||
Ross Chountock | Shambling Undead | 230k | 10/1/1 | 1480k | ||||
Sartosa Duelists | Duelists | 7840k | 3/2/0 | 2250k | ||||
Seventh String Actors | Dark Elf | 130k | 4/1/2 | 1170k | ||||
Showtime Band | Elven Union | 70k | 11/7/7 | 1910k | ||||
Sütőtöki | Shambling Undead | 220k | 6/0/0 | 1190k | ||||
Time Zones | Amazon | 260k | 10/0/0 | 1210k | ||||
True Dallas Cowgirls | Amazon | 140k | 4/0/0 | 1170k | ||||
Vikings stuffed with snotlings | Norse | 530k | 5/0/4 | 700k | ||||
Wardancer wannabees | Wood Elf | 80k | 3/0/1 | 1240k | ||||
Willowhuggers | Wood Elf | 120k | 3/0/0 | 1090k | ||||
Zold Erdoben Jartam | Orc | 180k | 8/0/2 | 1280k | ||||
Zöld öböl Sajtfejűi | Skaven | 20k | 3/1/1 | 1130k | ||||
League teams for SDL - Sylvania Draft League | |||||||||
DeadWood Rangers | Dead Wood Rangers | 8330k | 1/0/2 | 1680k | ||||
League teams for Secret League Open | |||||||||
[SL] Cry me a Sea | Sea Elf | 0 | 3/1/1 | 1090k | ||||
[SL] Cry me a Sea II | Sea Elf | 110k | 2/1/2 | 1170k | ||||
Pro-life-rate | Von Carstein | 70k | 1/0/0 | 870k | ||||
Ranked | |||||||||
7 black face | Dark Elf | 70k | 0/0/0 | 930k | ±90 | |||
Amaze-Sonics | Amazon | 90k | 56/10/4 | 1800k | ||||
Bend and also break | Elven Union | 80k | 1/0/1 | 910k | ±90 | |||
Chess Figures | Shambling Undead | 240k | 6/0/2 | 1250k | ±190 | |||
Creations of Nothing | Norse | 150k | 14/1/1 | 1490k | ±400 | |||
Cretaic park | Lizardmen | 0 | 15/1/2 | 1680k | ±520 | |||
Drow brew | Dark Elf | 130k | 29/6/8 | 2010k | ||||
Feywild bombers | Wood Elf | 100k | 24/12/16 | 1820k | ||||
Greenland Vikings | Norse | 180k | 10/3/3 | 1610k | ±430 | |||
Interview of a Vampire | Vampire | 80k | 4/0/3 | 1460k | ±220 | |||
King's ransom reloaded | Dark Elf | 190k | 10/0/1 | 1580k | ±270 | |||
Kings ransom | Dark Elf | 100k | 2/0/1 | 1070k | ±160 | |||
Larinn and the Catchy rithm | High Elf | 120k | 13/4/2 | 1550k | ±510 | |||
Leaping park | Slann | 60k | 3/2/1 | 1170k | ±180 | |||
M.A.G.U.S. all star | Orc | 40k | 13/8/5 | 1440k | ±680 | |||
Puppeteer's vision | Necromantic Horror | 270k | 18/1/4 | 1490k | ±610 | |||
Rainbow squad | Elven Union | 40k | 6/4/3 | 1640k | ±340 | |||
Rat-a-touilles | Skaven | 150k | 1/0/0 | 950k | ±100 | |||
Showtime band II | Elven Union | 30k | 7/1/2 | 1510k | ±230 | |||
Speedy Gonzales and the Routes | Skaven | 30k | 9/3/7 | 1550k | ±510 | |||
Three Grunts and the Minions | Chaos Renegade | 40k | 0/1/0 | 920k | ±90 | |||
Three Gruntsd and The Minions | Chaos Renegade | 100k | 3/1/1 | 1020k | ±150 | |||
Turnover comitte | Dark Elf | 170k | 24/2/7 | 1830k | ||||
Blackbox | |||||||||
After_life | Shambling Undead | 690k | 14/4/2 | 1440k | ||||
Amazonas Blodgers | Amazon | 320k | 7/2/2 | 890k | ||||
Another Norse build | Norse | 240k | 25/2/1 | 1390k | ||||
Cretaic-Park | Lizardmen | 60k | 0/0/1 | 940k | ||||
Death is no excuse | Shambling Undead | 390k | 18/2/4 | 1400k | ||||
Dungeon of the Morgue | Dark Elf | 50k | 4/1/5 | 1350k | ||||
Female MudWrestlers | Amazon | 420k | 20/2/8 | 1340k | ||||
Frenzied! | Norse | 40k | 2/0/1 | 1020k | ||||
Frozen waters | Norse | 150k | 15/4/5 | 1220k | ||||
Hammer of Ice | Norse | 270k | 11/5/0 | 1330k | ||||
Ice ice ice | Norse | 130k | 8/6/0 | 1150k | ||||
Lets try darkies again | Dark Elf | 40k | 0/0/1 | 970k | ||||
Lunatic Coolers | Norse | 160k | 4/2/0 | 1130k | ||||
Mudwrestling newbies | Amazon | 230k | 25/5/1 | 950k | ||||
Mudwrestling newbies II | Amazon | 330k | 19/2/2 | 1130k | ||||
My 1st Chaos Dwarf experience | Chaos Dwarf | 200k | 17/2/4 | 960k | ||||
Norse pole | Norse | 400k | 25/1/2 | 1560k | ||||
Pandora's blackbox | Amazon | 570k | 34/7/3 | 1370k | ||||
Puppy goes black | Necromantic Horror | 550k | 18/6/2 | 1400k | ||||
Relentlessness | Shambling Undead | 540k | 11/3/1 | 1380k | ||||
Showtime box | Elven Union | 50k | 2/0/0 | 1050k | ||||
Treasure | Shambling Undead | 390k | 6/5/0 | 1290k | ||||
Turnover Comittee | Dark Elf | 0 | 0/0/0 | 1000k | ||||
Unlively | Shambling Undead | 320k | 19/5/4 | 1120k | ||||
Well-Fare | Wood Elf | 190k | 3/0/1 | 1010k | ||||
Wellfare | Wood Elf | 50k | 5/2/1 | 1220k | ||||
Stunty Leeg | |||||||||
Firethrowers | Horrors of Tzeentch | 20k | 0/0/1 | 870k | ||||
Treechopper twins | Chaos Halfling | 195k | 4/1/1 | 1080k | ||||
Transfer division 2 | |||||||||
Play for the crowd | Dark Elf | 0 | 0/0/0 | 1000k | ||||
Hide retired teams |
Member Since | February 5, 2011 |
Location | Hungary |
Matches Played | 2361 |
Match Record | 1609/364/388 |