I once was called Dannyboy. Every Coach in fumbbl fears that name... or not.
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<Dannyboy> rolled +str:D
<paulIG> \o/
<paulIG> on the warrior?
<Dannyboy> nah on beastie
<Dannyboy> block on warrior
<paulIG> still very cool :)
<Dannyboy> 5 str blitz
<Dannyboy> :P
<Dannyboy> and now I get a block guy!
<Dannyboy> Btw... you foul less
<paulIG> yeah wasnt in the mood for fouling that game tbh
<Dannyboy> bio'd
<Dannyboy> lol
<Dannyboy> or is that not quite rare
<paulhicks> its very rare :D
Only 1 foul all game!!!
How to properly argue with idiots:
<Soulmask> Should I point out the fact that one bloodbowl game doesnt mean anything or is it unnecessary?
<dudebro> should i point out the fact that wah wah wah
<Soulmask> You mad bro?
<dudebro> no u mad
<Soulmask> no u
<dudebro> you whining
<dudebro> u mad
<Soulmask> no u
Game Vs snappy where he wanted to prove goblins are good by beating me. 100 tr humans vs 100 tr Gobbos.
<BowlBot> *** Respect the Gobbos 1 vs 3 Goblins Are Weak ***
<Dannyboy> :D
Same context, different opponent:
<AxeMurder> The day is mine
*** Britnoth has quit (Read error: No route to host)
<BowlBot> *** Goblins Are Feeble 3 vs 0 Take gobbos seriously ***
I'm not a very good coach, I rarely get 3 TDs with humans on normal matches. So that means that... Gobboes arent good!