An ode to cherrypicking, from a cherrypicker's perspective.
How does thee judge me?
Didn't thou just accept a game of high elf against your claw/mb chaos?
"But he offered the game!" you shall respond. But no, you took it because it was ripe.
"But I just accept every game within 200 tv!" you shall respond. I saw you challenge those goblins who were below 300.
"But you never accept any game against orcs, dwarves, CDs, chaos or nurgle!" you shall respond. Judge my speck, but thou have a beam.
"But you never play against anyone who has 2+ mighty blow!" you shall respond. Thee did it too, and worse!
"You even just refused to play a Skaven without claw because the dude had 10 more CR!" you shall respond. My 80% winrate shall one day come.
For the kingdom of heaven is only open to those who harvest the ripest fruits.