Posted by Leijonet on 2010-06-12 17:32:58
Your opinion is duly noted. Thank you for sharing.
Posted by Kalamona on 2010-06-12 17:56:10
democracy is a bad system. majority sets the ways we need to live, the rules we need to keep.
that is why in some countries drugs are legal and homosexuals can adopt kids.
Posted by Soulmask on 2010-06-12 17:58:09
I want to make this clear.
I'm not an homophobe and I like drugs.
And I hate religion.
Posted by Kalamona on 2010-06-12 17:59:33
then dont complain... democracy is for you.
Posted by KJG on 2010-06-12 18:02:42
Always healthy to question the system you live in. I agree with you to some extent. Especially now that the economic crisis makes people everywhere turn to racism and islamophobia. How would you like society to be run instead? Any ideas?
Btw, democracy as such does not stand for freedom and human rights. It's just a way to run a society whereby the majority decides through more or less equal voting rights. Liberalism (and other ideologies) stand for freedom and human rights, but democracy isn't an ideology. The system now prevelant in the West is liberal democracy, which means a balance between majority rule and individual and human rights.
Posted by Soulmask on 2010-06-12 18:07:56
**There is no relation in what music people listen to and who they vote for.
There is a relation but I agree it doesn't seem like big.
**I lived in Jugoslavia, all listened to same kind of music (in different language maybe), still we kill each other, so no make it simple like that...
Liking same music and killing each other isn't surprising. We're humans, the most of us are idiots.
Thing is I find some pop music stupid. No melody, disgrace for music, they don't even sing, use shitty lyrics that have been used over and over again(no originality).
Thing is people are buying it, they state that they are liking it. It's like voting really. People that like that aren't what I would call Freewill and Intelligent voters.
Posted by pythrr on 2010-06-12 18:09:36
"that is why in some countries drugs are legal and homosexuals can adopt kids. "
wtf kalamona?
go back to Hitler youth camp!
Posted by Kalamona on 2010-06-12 18:10:32
and who is the standard? you? that would be a bit self-centered.
Posted by blocknroll on 2010-06-12 18:22:49
i wonder how many people who like hip hop vote?
Posted by SillySod on 2010-06-12 18:23:24
I bet Kalamona voted no on the pirate thread :(
Posted by Kalamona on 2010-06-12 18:29:20
if u are interested about it ask me i am on irc. dont be so shysod.
but if u are not interested why did u even bring it up?
Posted by koadah on 2010-06-12 18:50:11
You allow the peasants to vote? Wow you guys are soft.
Elections are a waste money. Why not just keep the same dictator for 40 years.
When he's about ready to die let his son take over.
You know it makes sense.
Posted by DonTomaso on 2010-06-12 22:37:48
Since most people are ignorant, we are ruled by what the ignorant think would be best...
I've always disliked democracy since things can usually be done correctly in two ways, but democracy uses the middle way, that doesn't really work, but is accepted by both sides.
Posted by Jester_Spirit on 2010-06-12 23:35:20
The main problem I have with partys, not democracy, is that before election they promise a whole bunch of things and after the elections they simply go on like nothing has happened.
And it's almost always like that.
I mean... wtf?
Posted by Resarf on 2010-06-13 01:47:07
so democracy shouldn't be a popularity contest because you don't like pop music and the majority of people do?
Posted by MrNomad on 2010-06-13 03:37:53
Not sure where this democracy form of government is btw. The USA is a Republic.
Posted by KJG on 2010-06-13 11:55:16
@Jester spirit: I don't know where you live, but if you look into it, most parties deliver on most of their election promises, if able. But there's a difference between campaign promises and party programs. Parties are rarely able to accomplish everything they would like, for practical and parliamentary reasons.
Posted by avien on 2010-06-13 15:01:04
The gut feelings of sheep can easily be manipulated, a method that has been perfected during the modern age of democracy. In effect the mass population run very little, so I wouldn't be too worried over the matter.
Posted by Chrome_ghoul on 2010-06-13 20:36:53
"democracy is a bad system. majority sets the ways we need to live, the rules we need to keep.
that is why in some countries drugs are legal and homosexuals can adopt kids.
Dear oh dear. Kalamona, why?
It's simple to keep your mouth shut and not make yourself look foolish.
Posted by TheSpoonyBard on 2010-06-13 23:12:24
He's got a point, you know. Treating them dirty gays as, you know, people? Horrible idea.
Posted by shadow46x2 on 2010-06-13 23:17:26
"democracy is a bad system. majority sets the ways we need to live, the rules we need to keep.
that is why in some countries drugs are legal and homosexuals can adopt kids.
it's amusing...i completely glossed over the drugs/homosexuals comment to lulz at your idiotic & lemming religion comment....
but that being said....
congrats on being a total tool, kala...
in some countries, drugs are legal because they *WORK*...
in some countries, homosexuals are allowed to adopt children because a person's sexuality bears no relevance on their ability to love, cherish & care for a child...
i wasn't aware that being a fudgepacker meant you gave up your ability to have compassion & parental tendencies...