Posted by Lorebass on 2019-11-08 19:34:47
Not enough RIPs
Posted by Thoriin on 2019-11-08 19:35:14
welcome to lonerland,the land full of woodies and pro elves :D
Posted by Archpeasant on 2019-11-08 20:05:02
I mean it's only five loners. That's less than half.
More rerolls for the good guys.
Posted by erased000047 on 2019-11-08 22:02:03
only 4 dead? thats not even any record....don't worry you will be fine.. :)
Posted by JackassRampant on 2019-11-08 23:23:37
That's nothin'.
Posted by Burnalot on 2019-11-08 23:36:27
Absolutely lovely names
Posted by Popcorn on 2019-11-09 08:54:07
I won't lie, I came twice during that game.
Posted by FRSHMN on 2019-11-09 11:17:25
Change your mindset, and it will change the injury results ;-)
Posted by Archpeasant on 2019-11-09 18:21:20
Thanks Burnalot :) I might like the theme of this team best out of my Trophy lot.
I think I may have misrepresented my stance on the whole thing in the opening post. I don't care about the players breaking per se. I might try to protect a valuable piece, but they'll crack someday and that's okay. If I get grumpy during a dicing, it'll be because I lost an hour of my scarce free time without getting to actually play.
I was partly annoyed at the 4SIs with the delfs because I had bought 3 new linos immediately prior - up to 12 players, so I thought I might actually have a bench for a couple of games. Hah.
To me, the linked game is slightly impressive for the 4 RIPs, but more impressive for the 60 turns total played by my team (which means less than 4 players on the pitch, per turn, on average). As far as dicings go, I would say this one was less annoying than most. It only lasted like 25 minutes and made for a heck of an action movie.