Posted by pythrr on 2011-03-19 21:01:20
so how's that working out for you so far?
Posted by Sparkini on 2011-03-19 21:19:45
Your team has piling on and mighty blow. Doesn't that really mean you are what you are figting.
Posted by Bardazur on 2011-03-19 21:33:19
@pythrr: 32 points in 2 games: -13 against skaven and +45 against nurgle (killed a player with claw/MB)
@Sparkini: exactly, this team is the evil that fights evil.
Posted by pythrr on 2011-03-19 21:38:28
two wrongs do not make a right
Posted by pythrr on 2011-03-19 21:38:41
they do, however, make for an amusing bunfight
Posted by Cavetroll on 2011-03-19 21:57:44
Sounds interesting. You should set up a league that we can join and you would almost certainly get more interest. Like E.L.F.
Posted by Calcium on 2011-03-19 22:03:33
Anti claw Brigade? I'd say you've become very PRO claw, with a player on your team having one.....or is the claw on the Snow Troll exempt?
Your fluff has legs, shame about your dodgy race choice....
Posted by Jeffro on 2011-03-19 22:19:27
I love it. Wish I had time to devote to it. I've been thinking that Zons and underworld would be competitive because of the dodge... load up on DP's and SG's and go Lino heavy to keep your TV down. More thought needs be done obviously, but I like the initiative.
Posted by Ancre on 2011-03-19 23:02:32
Hehehe you've become the very monster you're trying to hunt !
I like it :D
Posted by BillBrasky on 2011-03-19 23:02:34
I think Anti-clawpomb would be more suited to elves... this is just lame vs lame.
Posted by Naru1981 on 2011-03-19 23:51:47
Love the idea! But you are what you hunt so your no better really. If others join you in this then your a target also!!!!
Doesn't work
Posted by Bardazur on 2011-03-20 09:20:19
@Flashback13, Jeffro: I'd like to create a group; I just wait a bit to test this point system.
@FMSTAN: the team is doomed anyway. You can't challenge the most dangerous teams without taking injuries. So, I try to have fun befor the unavoidable end.
Posted by f_alk on 2011-03-20 12:29:17
You should reduce points for every Claw, MB and PO your own team fields.
Posted by Ruiner on 2011-03-20 17:56:16
Aye, using a Clawbomb team to kill other clawbombs defeats the whole objective.
Posted by studmandudebro on 2011-03-21 01:40:51 ok add this team i kill hella duders