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Last seen 13 years ago
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2011-11-04 21:02:00
rating 5.8
2011-09-02 10:27:14
rating 5
2011-08-04 11:44:36
rating 4.6
2011-08-02 22:15:44
rating 5.1
2011-05-15 09:26:12
rating 5
2011-03-28 22:56:26
rating 5.1
2011-03-19 20:54:01
rating 4.4
2011-02-19 09:03:18
rating 3.7
2011-02-16 19:25:03
rating 5
2011-02-13 21:19:49
rating 5.2
2011-02-09 20:40:28
rating 4.7
2011-02-03 01:22:16
rating 5.1
2011-01-29 14:25:07
rating 4.6
2011-01-24 22:46:05
rating 4.8


2007-12-11 15:04:32
rating 3.6
2007-12-07 20:47:15
rating 5.2
2007-12-03 22:06:26
rating 4
2011-05-15 09:26:12
21 votes, rating 5
Clawbomb hunters reloaded
Two months ago, I began to hunt clawbombs player with my norse team Anti-Claw brigade, and designed an E.L.F.-like point system.

I must say that the hunt was not really successful, maybe because I only played 12 games with this team since I began to count the points. I only killed 1 player with claw/MB (no PO). 1 clawbomb was killed but regenerated.

In 12 games, I earned 61.5 points, inflicted 47 cas (26/17/4) and suffered 39 cas (19/15/5). I won 6 games, tied 5 and lost only 1, that is quite a good record for a norse team above 1500 TV.

So, despite the lack of killed clawbombs, I think that the concept of hunting clawbombs in the box is interesting. I changed a bit the point system to avoid "half points" when the player regenerates, and EDIT added a penalty for having clawbombs in your team.

I will test this new system with all my team, not just the one designed to hunt clawbobs, to see if there is a difference between a team that is built to hunt clawbombs and another which is not.

I am also looking for other beta-testers and will create a group if somebody is interested. Here how points are awared ( EDIT: version 0.3):

Points per injury

You earn (base points) x multiplier points for each injury inflicted to an oppponent's player. All injuries count, even failed dodges or GFI. Base points depend on the injury, while multiplier depends on the skills of the injured player. BH or less does not count. If the apo is used, only the final result counts. If the injured players regenerate, you earn 1 point and no multiplier is applied.
base points

  1. MNG...1
  2. -MA....2
  3. -AV....3
  4. NI.....3
  5. -AG....4
  6. -ST....8
  7. RIP...16


  1. x1 if the player has ONE of the three skills MB/PO/claw
  2. x2 if the player has TWO of the three skills MB/PO/claw
  3. x4 if the player has the THREE skills MB/PO/claw
  4. x-1 if the player has NONE of the three skills MB/PO/claw and NO access to S skills
  5. x0 otherwise
  6. x2 if the player is a legend 175+ SPP (additional multiplier)
  7. x0 if the player is a rookie 0-5 SPP (additional multiplier)

Points per game

  1. game lost by concession: -50pt (because concession is baaad)
  2. game lost: -5 pt
  3. game won: +5pt
  4. game won by concession: +5pt x number of opponent's players with MB/PO and/or claw at the beginning of the game
  5. 5 casualties or more against a bashy team (E.L.F. category A,B,C): +5 pt
  6. 5 casualties or more against a non-bashy team (E.L.F. category D,E): -5 pt
  7. per player with TWO of the three skills Claw/MB/PO: -1pt
  8. per player with the THREE skills Claw/MB/PO: -3pt
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Posted by JellyBelly on 2011-05-15 11:23:41
Has no-one started a league yet for hunting Cpombers in the [B]ox? Maybe you should start one :)
Posted by JimmyFantastic on 2011-05-15 11:37:23
No point in hunting clawpombs when wiz comes out, they will all be obsolete
Posted by shadow46x2 on 2011-05-15 14:37:15
do you lose points for implementing bombs of your own?
Posted by BillBrasky on 2011-05-15 15:38:11
Cool concept.

I think you should add a rule that you may not employ mb/po or claw/mb/po.

Posted by BooAhl on 2011-05-15 16:31:06
Can you have a multiplier that is negative?
Posted by Zhluhur on 2011-05-15 16:58:16
Sounds interesting
Posted by Bardazur on 2011-05-15 20:07:51
@BooAhl: yes, the multiplier is negative if you hurt a gentle players that has no claw/MB or PO and no normal access to Strength skills. So you must triy to be selective in your target.

@BillBrasky and shadow46x2: for the moment, you don't lose points for having clawpombs on your side. But that is a good idea, so we could penalise the use of clawbomb without forbiding them completely. Maybe something like -1pt per player with at least 2 of the three skills MB/PO/claw, and -3pt per clawbomb on your side. What do you think of this penalty ?

I welcome any idea to improve this point systems.
Posted by BillBrasky on 2011-05-16 09:58:22
That looks good, but I would make the penalties harsher. It seems like if you kill a legend clawpomber, you get 128 points.

But if you field 10 clawpombers, you only get -30.

Maybe it should be -25 for two skills & -100 for clawpomb.
Posted by freak_in_a_frock on 2011-05-16 11:08:27
I'll test it outwith my khemri if you like. They are designed to hunt the claw pombs. If I gt drawn with them i'll keep a tally of the points for the next couple of weeks.

I agree the penalty needs to be harsher though, otherwise the best way to get points would be to develop a claw pomb team, which seems a little counter-productive. I'd be tempted to go with a mulitplier modifiy. Maybe -0.5 per two skill player and -1 for a 3 skill. With the lowest mulitplier being 0. (this would mean claw pombs would pretty much have to kill other claw pombs to score points and couldn't just kill orc or dwarf teams)
Posted by Bardazur on 2011-05-16 11:58:00
@Billbransky : My games show that on average, you don't earn much point per game. 61 points in 12 games for my clawbomb hunter team (with the v0.1 of the rule) that is a bit more than 5 points per game with a team that has 1 player with claw/MB and 2 players MB/PO. With the new rule, this team face a penalty of -3pt per game, that is 60% of the average points it used to earn. So I think the penalty is quite harsh.

Keep in mind that you don't choose your oponent (it is for the box) and that whenever you kill or injured a "innocent" player, you lose points. So if you field a lot of clawbombs, you may earn more points when facing a clawbomb team, but also lose more points when facing any other team. Except Chaos, all teams that can field clawbombs (Skaven, Nurgle, Chaos pact and chaos dwarf teams) also have players that will make you lose points if you kill them. And those players are easier to kill than clawbombs -)

@ freak_in_frock: if you add a negative multiplier, it means that you will earn points when killing an innocent player (because the multiplication of 2 negative number is a positive number) and lose points when killing a clawbomb =)
Posted by freak_in_a_frock on 2011-05-16 14:07:25
I meant modify the multiplier, not mulitply again. For example killing a player with 125 spp and two of the skills gives you a x2 mulitplier, modified because you have 1 claw pomb and one pomb -1.5 gives you a x.5 mulitplier.

In regards to killing 'innocent players' yo couls allow the negative muliplier to go even lower then (in this case to x -2.5)

Of course it is your idea and i will try it ut with your modifiers first.
Posted by Bardazur on 2011-05-16 16:43:38
Oh sorry, I did not understand what you meant by "multiplier modifier". So yes, it could work, and we can test the two options.