Posted by Frankenstein on 2009-01-28 17:00:50
Some of those exercises look like advanced joint destruction to me. ;)
Posted by PigStar-69 on 2009-01-28 19:14:29
no biggieb thats 1 extreme to another. it would put people off imo.
motivation comes from feeling better about yourself and also fitting into the clothes you buy ;-)
i lost 3 and a half stone 3 years ago and have now put 2 stone back on. but i know i can lose weight if desired. its a great battle fighting the flab and for me it was hard work but very rewarding. when the time comes i will again go on a fat fighting quest ;-) i may even start now \o/
Posted by BiggieB on 2009-01-28 19:21:57
hey piggy that stuff inspires me like hell! work harder and go farther then anyone else on this planet!!!!