Posted by zakatan on 2009-11-04 10:09:25
wow... elves threw more blocks than orcs
looks like elves weren't really making use of their high ma high ag rather than their low st...
Posted by RC on 2009-11-04 11:13:15
20 ts is a big difference at that low level.
Posted by Markela on 2009-11-05 06:52:41
When you play against elves you need to play a very tight game. It really doesnt take much for elves to punish you for giving them a 1db block on your ballcarrier (as the first TD show).
The second touchdown was basically a give away as your opponent only needed to roll 3x 2+ to score from that position.
Third touchdown was a bit of bad luck. But you didnt keep your line and allowed him to move 3 players next to your unguarded ballcarrier.
And on a final note, playing a basher team you will rely heavily on your ability to decimate you opponents players.
The problem is when your blocks amount to neither KO nor Cas, then you are fighting uphill and in deep mud. Hopefully those games are few and far inbetween. Better luck next time.
And just in case, sacrifice some cute kittens to Nuffles honor before the game.