Posted by SillySod on 2009-07-31 13:36:31
Impressive. Is that 14 completions or just 14 pass actions?
Posted by asharak on 2009-07-31 13:44:02
14 completed passes is indeed impressive.... though it would be better if it was against an even team!
Posted by Rijssiej on 2009-07-31 14:21:45
and there the "Leafblowers also threw 14.... so i think i'm first with them...
That doesn't make sense...when it has been done before you can't be the first...
Posted by maysrill on 2009-07-31 14:25:39
I think that would be "first place" rather than "first to do it"
Posted by Archevol on 2009-07-31 16:42:15
That means you had the ball in 14 of the 16 turns... How bad/weak was the opposition, one might ask? After all, with an empty field, even a khemri team could attempt that many (if they managed to pick the ball up first...)
Posted by Kryten on 2009-07-31 17:13:37
Archevol - these are pro elves, two catchers with dump off. That probably accounts for a lot of this.
Posted by pythrr on 2009-07-31 18:47:36
played vs an 8 man wood elf team.
Posted by Leijonet on 2009-07-31 20:04:33
So, you played a much weaker opponent with a much weaker team... And then you're proud that you walked all over him? Wow. Very impressive. Congratulations, picker.
Posted by Archevol on 2009-08-01 00:57:38
I thought so too Kryten, 'till I saw that only four passes were from the dumpoffs. Likely that not all of those were actually selected passes.