After 20 games leading the
Psycho Fever Foxes, I've had to retire my first
Super Star; thrower
I decided to institute a
no niggling injury policy for the team, and I had to stick to it for the overall good of the Foxes (JanMattys would be proud). It was more depressing that she aged off-field rather than getting an injury on the pitch, than it was to click the "retire" button, but it didn't make it any easier. They're only pixels I know, but you can still take pride in the little guys and their performances. ;P
Skyefyre - retired (n)
- 52 Comp, 2 TD, 1 Cas, 4 MVP, 80 SPP
- Pass, Sure Hands, Nerves of Steel, Accurate, +ST, Safe Throw, Strong Arm