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Last seen 14 hours ago
Happy_Amateur (29701)
Super Star
Win Percentage


2023-07-19 01:34:23
rating 4.9


2022-11-06 10:54:21
rating 6
2022-07-06 09:34:21
rating 5.9
2022-06-03 08:54:02
rating 4.5



2020-03-11 01:10:02
rating 5.8
2022-11-10 11:59:36
12 votes, rating 6
Surfing isn't just a sport. It's a way of life.
Welcome to my clickbait. Everyone likes crowd surfs, whether they be on the receiving end or the giving end. FACT. Prove me wrong.
But as I sit here musing on the sheer bravery of those players who stray too close to the line, I started to think.
Which isn't a good thing.
So you surf a player, and he goes into the crowd and they give him a wupping. If he doesn't get injured he returns to the bench.
But then it struck me. What if.. what if... stunties that get surfed and NOT injured are then unceremoniously thrown back onto the field just like an out of bounds ball would be. Imagine the random carnage that would ensue. Discuss.
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Posted by mekutata on 2022-11-10 12:37:33
Injure them [b]and[/b] throw em back.
Posted by Joost on 2022-11-10 13:40:17
Life would be a little better for all involved. We really, really need this as part of the rules!

Or maybe Stunty teams can have a big guy in the crowd throwing a spectator on the field once per game in stead of a wizard?
Posted by ThierryM on 2022-11-10 13:52:30
Australia was known for its Surf's spots.
Now, in the Old World, as a tribute for this continent-state made of Astrogranite, it will be famous for the Boomerang Stunty Return-to-sender-Surf aka BSR aka Best Silly Rule !!
Count me in to vote for this rule !
Posted by razmus on 2022-11-10 14:00:20
If the injury is a RIP... the stunty comes back in pieces, with separate, individual trajectories? (Maybe half a dozen new blood splatters scattered around the pitch?)

And can the crowd really tell if a stunty is stunned or has suffered a broken neck? Broken limbs might be easier to determine, especially if they separate from the host. (But with some Nurgle stunties, it's not always easy to tell if that's suppose to happen.)

The stunty is thrown back in, and starts at LEAST stunned, so there is no hope of sticking the landing... they suffer yet another crash landing and have to roll armor and possibly _another_ injury.

Here I thought the player getting to the dugout represented the moment the team's sideline staff rescued them from the crowd... otherwise the crowd is continuing to figure out which bits of the player are removable as souvenirs. (Pro-tip: Unless your team is one of the undead teams... and maybe Nurgle... removal of their head usually shortens the player's career and decreases the long term value of your souvenir.) Hopefully the sideline staff isn't going to toss a probably broken stunty back on the field.

This is instead of getting a nice pie or sandwich in the dugout... or whatever it is snotlings and goblins managed to swipe... maybe a skaven foot?

Don't interfere with stunty snacktime. Let them take a break in the dugout. They've earned it.
Posted by SanKuKai on 2022-11-10 17:03:57
HAHAHA +1 Joost ;D

Rated 6 for the stunty sadistic hate.
Posted by DrClaes on 2022-11-10 19:32:52
Excellent house rule!

Also ST5 and higher players should be able to intercept thrown teammates and deflect them.

And consider the possibility of being able to throw an opposition stunty player with your TTM big guys!

"Right stuff, oh yes".
Posted by The_Murker on 2022-11-10 19:53:20
New stunty positional and skill: Rock Star 0-1, Skill = Crowd Boost

Once per half, this player may start or end his move move on a sideline square and surf himself. If the injury result would lead to him being placed in the reserve box, the coach of that player may choose any sideline square and have the player 'thrown in' as a ball would be. The player must make the same agility roll to land as if he were thrown by a teammate. If the player started his move on the sideline when he surfed himself, he may complete his move if he lands safely.
Posted by razmus on 2022-11-11 00:18:32
"Also ST5 and higher players should be able to intercept thrown teammates and deflect them."

A lot of the big guys have really long claws. It's not so much a deflection as a vivisectioning. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8Tw4JhzORM
Posted by Happy_Amateur on 2022-11-11 09:55:34
Stunties Halflings Or Otherwise Thrown Just Inside Sideline Mechanism.
I think thats a pretty good name for it. And can't be abbreviated to anything rude.
Posted by ben_awesome on 2022-11-11 10:05:16
Posted by Halfabrain on 2022-11-11 16:54:13
Another name might be Ballistics Of Little Linesmen Over Crowd Surfs which also can't be made into anything rude
Posted by Happy_Amateur on 2022-11-13 08:10:04
Lovely stuff lads.