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Last seen 1 year ago
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2023-12-24 22:45:47
rating 4.1
2023-12-23 03:25:18
rating 3.5
2023-12-20 02:53:08
rating 3.4


2016-10-22 08:49:24
rating 4.8
2016-10-18 05:15:43
rating 4
2016-10-18 01:10:24
rating 4
2016-10-18 01:10:24
15 votes, rating 4
First Blog
This is my first blog. Exciting!

I have been a member of this site since 2004 somehow. I took a long hiatus of ~ 10 years and even logged some games during this time from, it would be my guess, my ex-girlfriend. I have lurked the forums on this site for years because I still played tabletop from time to time and dabbled with the Cyanide version of the game. The graphics and commentary of the cyanide version are fun the first few games and then get old really quick. The disconnects get old even quicker - to the point you find yourself doing it when facing a crap opponent lucking his way. Not saying either is right but the game is very shallow and impersonal; something a miniature game was never supposed to represent.

I remember playing Bill Brasky and chatting in IRC with the likes of Emphasy, AFK_EAgle, SYNN, shadow46x2 and many many others that goaded people into playing a match that they had no business playing - it was great! The "oooh that's gotta hurt" was flying around in-game and afterwards in chat they would continue goading each other about their terrible play. I think the site was a lot of fun and the pixel-huggers were openly ridiculed. With all of that being said, the site and game seems to have gone SOFT. I don't see as many people booting every turn, I don't see the chat boxes lighting up as much as they used to and everyone seems to have become...dare I say it...nice?!?! WHat happened? I thought this was BLOODbowl? Where did paulhicks and some of the other boot every turn players go? The new eye mechanism does suck though... :)

Maybe I am just deluded and nostalgia is getting the best of me but the lack of chat boxes seems to be a detriment to the site. Ranked is a pickers dream and box would be a lot better if there were more people activating. With bloodbowl coming into light again and being refreshed it's high time that everyone goes out and BUYS the new box set that will be coming out - to my knowledge, that used to be one of the stipulations of the site was that you owned the game! Everyone SHOULD own the game! Also, something I need to do also is promote the site so we can get more players, especially in North America.

I used to play a fair number of games with my then girlfriend "JKA". And we got in trouble because we would play on the same computer from the same IP which is obviously a no-no, but this was before the days of Wi-Fi and we were both young and stupid. Most of our matches had a lot of sexual ramifications during the game (and after) which was always fun. Between the drinking, smoking and our coital party during the game, needless to say concentration was never a key focus point to my games. But a lot of fun.

Now I am grown up with kids and a wife and none of that wild craziness(except for getting booted recently for cursing too much on a night I was 3 sheets to the wind) things are calmer and more mature. Maybe most of the players here are just more mature now too? Either way it is good to see a lot of the old players names on here and know they are still playing. The site seems to be even more competitive than it used to be. When I first started here I dominated my leagues - came here and found out I was but a tiny fish in a sea of bloodbowl players. The competition here is top class but still, it's a dice game - so anyones game if Nuffle so desires!

I really believe though this site would be a great platform to try and tweak rules and perfect the game through all TV's - from 1000(which is pretty good now) all the way up to 2000+(where there is a large gap). I don't know why the site does not use the idea of "house rules" and ready made rosters to do this. With the ease in play, a great client that makes play easy and quick this is QUITE feasible! This new client BTW, is top-notch! We don't have to download anything, syncing matches is a cinch, I have not seen the double ball on the pitch and gamefinder to the message system has improved 100 fold. A big thanks to all those who contributed - it is fantastic compared to the old!

It's good to be back and one of my favorite things used to be E.L.F. - I see it is on a hiatus so I look forward to that and playing some elfball.

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Posted by Gozer_the_Gozerian on 2016-10-18 01:17:32
Just to prove that not everybody here is nice, I gave your blog a 1 rating. Yay, evil!
Posted by DarthPhysicist on 2016-10-18 01:18:12
You lost me at "coital party"
Posted by Jedi_Knight_Amoeba on 2016-10-18 01:19:04
You guys are tough. First 2 votes = 1.
Posted by DarthPhysicist on 2016-10-18 01:20:04
Well, the last thing I want on my mind during a blood bowl match is the image of genitals clanging together...
Posted by JellyBelly on 2016-10-18 01:20:59
Nice one for a first post Dude (although some of it was maybe TMI .. ;) ). I agree that the site has gone a bit soft - I'm seriously thinking about making a Paul Hicks tribute team to beat down some pixels and try to go for some of the all-time fouling records. Also, totally agree about needing to get more players in the US time zone. Not sure what is the best way to do it though.
Posted by pythrr on 2016-10-18 01:34:02
PolIsH Coach say come PLAYs polish and we kick you in balls REEL goods
Posted by Endzone on 2016-10-18 01:55:32
Sexy Fumbbl huh? I guess rolling triple POW was good news, hate to think what triple skulls meant...
Posted by keggiemckill on 2016-10-18 03:46:26
Welcome back sir, though Ive said it to you before. :)
Posted by Badoek on 2016-10-18 08:39:33
TMI indeed, but that's what blogs are for I guess. Welcome back, maybe we can soften you up a bit too. You might end up a polite, nice guy :p
Posted by the_Sage on 2016-10-18 09:21:00
Random MM on FUMBBL is a LOT better than on cyanide, but the league play experience is very similar (although FUMBBL's system allows for a lot more fluff and league management options).

Also, you found a woman who got horny playing blood bowl. Dayum, son.