2023-12-13 22:36:35
1 votes, rating 6
"Welcome back, sports fans! I hope you enjoyed our statistics update in the bye week-"
"I didn't."
"-but if you didn't, it's back to Blood Bowl!"
"Now, Bob- you have to remember that the Guild of Timetable Makers work very hard every season to bring us the best in cutting-edge entertainment. You can't just run them down every chance you get."
"I won't."
"Oh, good."
"Instead I'll just suggest that they're a bunch of perfume-sniffing, underpants-wearing, sweet-smelling, tooth-brushing..."
"Moving on, we have two losses for the Frostholm Dragons for the good folks out there to peruse."
"How those losers still have a team is beyond me."
"Two words, Bob- Elven gold."
"Bah- the game isn't like it was in my day, Jim."
"They're still top of the SCBBL's Casualties Caused table, if that helps?"
"I suppose it does, Jim- but they better beat those gits from Wissenland in their last game of the season, or I'm going to give them a post-game speech they'll NEVER forget!"
"On that note, stay tuned, sports fans!"