Posted by JohannVonDarkheim on 2024-03-20 14:15:08
"This just in, sportsfans- the Sludge River Shamblers have lost a second Salty Cod Blood Bowl League game to Skaven opposition today, going down two-nil against the Warpstrong Engineers."
"Grandfather Nurgle won't be pleased."
"On the contrary, one of the Shamblers' Pestigors was gifted with Disturbing Presence by the Lord Of Diseases, so delighted was he that his followers are now sitting atop the SCBBL's Casualties Caused table."
"Blood Bowl is a strange game, sometimes."
"You said it, Bob- and that's why we love it."
"Isn't it just, Jim?"
"We're going to take a swift break now, folks, but don't touch that dial- you don't want to miss one pulse-pounding moment!"
Posted by JohannVonDarkheim on 2024-03-23 12:27:57
"Big news, Bob- the Sludge River Shamblers got their first touchdown today!"
"Who against, Halflings? Half-dead Snotlings?"
"Very droll, Bob- it was actually against the Khemrian team Arkhan's All-Stars."
"Ugh, I used to hate playing against Tomb Kings- you'd find sand in your underwear for days afterwards."
"Malgomar the Pestigor was gifted with a Big Hand by the Lord of Diseases for his efforts, whilst his team-mate Garabash's MVP performance sees him gifted with a Foul Appearance."
"Sounds like my fourth ex-wife, Jim."
"Quite. If you'd like to hunt the game up on Blood Bowl Game Pass it's a real hum-dinger, but for now after the adverts we'll be taking you to the All-Stars' second game of the day, in which they take on the Krankenheim Krunchers."
"One Empire versus another- you love to see it."
"Indeed, Bob- dont touch that dial, folks!"