With a stirring 0-0 cas-fest, my
Fleshpile Foulers completed their 50th game today.
When I started this team, it was the first days of LRB6 Blackbox and I really knew nothing about Nurgle. My main motivation was to play with a team I would feel absolutely no desire to pixel-hug. I was going to bash, foul, be bashed, see bloody red smears all over the field and love it, whether they were my players or the opposition. That was the idea, anyway.
As it turned out, the Foulers are far and away the team I have played most games with on FUMBBL, and contain far and away the most pixels I have enjoyed playing with.
Three players have somehow managed to feature in all fifty games:
Snotslurper, my Beast;
Mavirus Foulblessed, my blodging Warrior, and
Boil, arch-fouling Rotter.
A few others have risen to heights I have never experienced as a FUMBBL coach before:
Scumhorn, my first ever Super Star, and now also joined by
Bazirax. I hope Scumhorn will one day make Legend, he might even get a stat-up or double!
Blackbox has changed a hell of a lot since those early days: Nurgle teams are now ten-a-penny. ClawPOMB has taken over (The Foulers were very late to the party on that one). In that sense, maybe the Foulers don't feel so special any more.
But without any shadow of a doubt, this team has consistently reminded me why I love this game, and why I love FUMBBL. A big thanks to all at the site who make the experience possible, and a thank you to all the opponents who have made the Foulers' journey fun.