The Wood Elf team
Plant Nutrion hits 100 games in the Blackbox and out of all time WE teams has the second most games played(see blog comments)
100th match was a draw against BillBrasky, against whose teams they had played 5 times before.
They aren't the most victorious or most skilled
Wood Elves in the Blackbox, but are however unchallenged in bravery and endurance(there is, however, a
Pro Elf team I'd like to salute]
The 100 games included 44 victories, 27 draws and 29 defeats and 57 elves gave their lives or health for it.
These races I met. I remind you that we've been around since the birth of Box and the little less diverse games of the beginning boost the numbers of some races in these statistics.
Amazon 3
Chaos 17
Chaos Dwarf 5
Dark Elf 2
Dwarf 14
Elf 2
Halfling 1
High Elf 1
Human 4
Khemri 16
Orc 7
Skaven 4
Undead 6
Lizardmen 3
Norse 1
Nurgle's 4
Ogre 5
Vampire 2 <-Both against
Wood Elf 3
Avarage TS differense was -0 and because that difference was -6 when scheduling by bwr and bbr ended, I've been getting upper ts since that.