Posted by NerdBird on 2014-06-18 22:23:36
Have lots of Coffee on hand and accept almost all challenges immediately. I would think you should be able to get in about 18-20 games for the day if you have quick opponents.
Posted by PeteW on 2014-06-18 23:26:11
I think some people really gamed one of the fumbbl birthdays where there were transom mutations and no injuries. Played 24 games to boost a chaos team by 200 tr or something.
Posted by Mateuszzzzzz on 2014-06-18 23:38:26
With speedfreeks challenge tournaments. Would be more difficult now.
Posted by ahalfling on 2014-06-19 00:53:59
Depends on the team, really. I'd go with something like wood elves -- you're not blocking much, so your turns go quickly, and if you lose, you're probably off the pitch and the game goes even faster. (Then again, you'd have to do more post-TD setups...?)
Posted by PaddyMick on 2014-06-19 13:39:28
Spend 20 mins at the start of the day in game finder programming 3 defensive and 3 offensive set ups to choose from to speed things up. Play in ranked where you can get games fast if your not fussy, but blacklist slow opponents. Make sure you have a solid internet connection. Pray that you don't have someone drop out on you in game 12 and not return to the site for 3 days ;0
Posted by Chainsaw on 2014-06-19 14:58:47
You could probably get 8-9 games in pretty easily if you had no other obligations and didn't want to miss out on sleep. Of course it also depends on how fast you play and whether you run into tough (read: player killing/maiming) dice.
Posted by cthol on 2014-06-19 15:17:10
@ PeteW: Those transom mutations were awesome. That beam that runs across the back end of the boat can really use extra arms and claws... :)