Posted by the_Sage on 2012-09-25 15:37:00
Playing your friends is part of what the [L]eague division is for. So just both make a league team, click the play link next to the team, and agree on a game name to enter.
Posted by the_Sage on 2012-09-25 15:37:23
Oh yeah and Deathrollers are funny but they will not make you win.
Posted by vaclav on 2012-09-25 15:38:36
Make a team in R and it is easy to chose with who you want to play. Your big hitter is fun to play with, but since you ussualy play with him just a couple of turns it is not a great deal, esspecialy on low tv-s. And as Homer Simpson would say: "What are the chances to fail pick up with ag3 surehands dwarf runner - One in a million!"
Posted by harvestmouse on 2012-09-25 16:02:02
Do as the_Sage says, keep it to L with friends.
I had an ag 3 sure hands skeleton and an ag 3 thro rah who between them couldn't pick up the ball for 4 turns. By this time the enemy was at the door and killed the ag 3 skeleton. Nuffle teaches those who fail.
Posted by easilyamused on 2012-09-25 16:24:23
Play with friends in L and from speccing one of your games I suggest having a read through the rulebook :)
GL with the dwarves in B though.
Posted by Overhamsteren on 2012-09-25 20:09:30
You are playing with too few rerolls, solid starting rosters are:
4 Chaos Warriors
7 Beastmen
3 Rerolls
2 Dwarf Blitzers
1 Runner
1 Trollslayer
7 Blockers
3 Rerolls
You can change a blocker to one more troll slayer but he is a bit more squishy and frenzy can cause you trouble if you are not careful.
But most important have fun, which you seem to have, so keep at it. :)
Posted by Leshanni on 2012-09-26 09:08:57
Several people have commented saying that I have too few rerolls... and I agree.
However I don't have enough cash to buy more rerolls yet, would people suggest I start a new team to 'get it right' or stick it out until I have enough cash to buy more?
Posted by Ranensol on 2012-09-26 10:11:00
Personally i'd start a fresh roster, the extra TV added by buying re-rolls after starting you team will be a pain later.
They're the only thing that doubles in cost, so i personally get as many as i can (or can work with) without totally crippling my team.
The guides in the Help section are great, and the starting rosters ( really help you get an idea of where to start with each race.
Posted by bananaman on 2012-09-26 10:20:33
Buying rerolls later on will cost you double monies, but wont add double the TV. I would just play a few games until you have those 2-3 rerolls. No need retiring a team for such a tiny and fixable mistake. I always regret retiring any team, but maybe not everyone has that quirk.
Posted by xnoelx on 2012-09-26 14:18:29
Also, high AG teams or those with plenty of skills need less rerolls. Chaos & Dwarves probably want 3 or even 4, but your elves could get away with 2.