Posted by maysrill on 2011-07-14 13:38:35
It's not pixelhugging to mourn the loss of a nice pixel (and that was certainly a rather nice one).
Pixelhugging is either: playing too safe so your players don't get hurt, or crying/whining/complaining when your opponent hurts your pixels, especially if you feel said harm was less than essential to victory.
Posted by Nekran on 2011-07-14 13:42:57
Oh... I guess I'm good then, considering charging him in a pomb cage solo (and coming out with the ball too... he was such a beast... *sniff*) and just a single cry of "NOOOOOOO!" after the failage doesn't constitute pixelhugging in that case.
Posted by pythrr on 2011-07-14 13:47:48
/ points
Posted by maysrill on 2011-07-14 15:15:23
Heh, I know what you mean about the Dodge-in solo cage-busting. I have a nearly identical player as a dark elf blitzer (+ST+ST+AG/Dodge).
Posted by Overhamsteren on 2011-07-14 15:57:22
55 vamps are so awesome they always remind me of Baron Sengir who is of course also super awesome and a nostalgic treat to boot.
Posted by lizvis on 2011-07-14 16:39:03
if you really love the pixels, and want them to live forever, you'd retire them :D
Posted by Balle2000 on 2011-07-14 21:35:23
lizvis has a point. if you truly loved that pixel, you would have spared him this...
Posted by licker on 2011-07-15 00:52:29
If you really really really love the pixels you will impregnate your woman and name the child after them.
Besides, Vlad would be a pretty cool name for a little girl.