Posted by The_Murker on 2012-05-05 02:53:44
I feel your pain. In August 2011 I had a HoRriBLe week of losses that put me off the game for 6 months. I didn't even miss it.
It is exactly like poker. Regardless of who you are, if you keep playing you are guaranteed to encounter horrible strings of luck, as well as periods of extreme dice magic. The hard part is not blaming yourself, or patting yourself on the back too much. Analyse and improve your play, and recognize bad luck for what it is.. inevitable.
Few things are more annoying than a poker player who thinks he should be good enough to counter an opponents great luck. I try not to be that player anymore. Great luck is in store for you. Enjoy it!
Posted by Sp00keh on 2012-05-05 18:32:40
read this-
might need to use this link
Posted by Russo on 2012-05-05 21:06:04
Well you HAVE been playing some uber-coaches in this run...look...there is that Russo guy you played two games ago :-)
Posted by licker on 2012-05-06 00:20:34
No such thing as illusions of grandeur, the correct form is delusions of grandeur.
That's your nazi grammar cop reply to this blog.
To the actual point...
FUMBBL is a funny game (contrasted to TT...), sometimes things go right, sometimes things don't. Sometimes it all piles up for a while.
But, when on a losing streak that you feel is not so much due to subpar play as it is to the vagaries of chance, it can be informative to watch the game replays and really really try to see if you had better options, or if you opponent really out played you (not out diced you).