Sorry to spam you guys but I am just really excited by this kickstarter,
ArcWorlde, it's already got a huge backing and running on it's last 54 hours but there's always room for more backers. While not sports related I figure we still got a lot of fantasy fans here with a love for metal minatures that has a kinda-old-school quality to them.
I have nothing against the 'big' companies using kickstarter to give me loads of free stuff when I buy their games but this is more of a classic crowd funding with a couple of guys wanting to kick of their miniature range and game. That means that most of the stretch goals are add-ons(you pay extra for them) and so while you do get a small saving compared to retail price it's really about you helping them out and them giving you the opportunity to buy some really cool miniatures at a fair price.
EDIT: Seeing the updated main page, the pledge packages are actually almost 50% off retail price!
The troops will be cast in metal and the sculpts really ooze with character and a great deal of originality, the bigger monsters will be cast in resin and these are where Alex really takes it to the next level, his huge monsters are some of the coolest around in my opinion.
So check it out guys, I hope some of you will like it enough to pitch in. :)