Posted by blocknroll on 2012-04-17 17:16:53
when you get offered a game v lizards with 3 saurus and 8 skinks, or a full chaos team id say take the lizards ;p
Posted by stej on 2012-04-17 17:16:56
Play some elves for a bit (Dark Elves) usually provide a fair few more wins once you get a few skills.
Also, quit forgiving with ball handling and bash so can be good to help you get to grip s with the community here
Posted by Garion on 2012-04-17 17:26:49
It will come in time. Just keep at it. Play Undead, they are pretty easy to use for the first 10 games.
Posted by Hitonagashi on 2012-04-17 17:32:02
Also, get into the habit of firing injured players. Multiple -ST players on a team is seriously bad (your humans), as they still contribute their full cost to your TV, but are obviously a lot worse!
Posted by maysrill on 2012-04-17 17:41:54
Harsh truth: Your RL friends probably suck at blood bowl.
Playing online you get a ton more games in, and thus a ton more experience. When you leave your circle of friends with (optimistically) 50 games played, and come to a place with people with thousands of games worth of experience, and some of the better players in the world, there are bound to be a few face-mashings in the process.
I used to be near the top of my TT group. When I came here it took me 13 games to get my first win. It was like walking into the lobby at the FIDE tournament and asking "anyone want a pick-up game" and have Garry Kasparov respond "sure kid, you can play white."
Just beware. Once you've gotten up to speed, your RL friends might not want to play TT with you anymore ;)
Posted by Ehlers on 2012-04-17 18:01:56
Whom ever you play, ask yourself why they did as they did and try and learn from it.
Watch some replay live (preferable tournaments) and try to put yourself in one of the coaches place. Think ahead of that coach and see if he do exactly or near what you have thought of. Before you pick a coach to follow make sure he is a good coach by looking at his page ;)
Good luck and welcome
Posted by RhYn0 on 2012-04-17 18:12:08
Fancy a game? I could do with a win or two myself ^_^
Posted by Jeffro on 2012-04-17 18:13:40
Congrats on sucking and still finding the love. No matter how good you get, there will always be someone better (in your own opinion) and the top coach can still get diced. As long as you can have fun regardless, bully. Bully!.. I say...
And welcome :)
Posted by Saikyo on 2012-04-17 18:37:46
Come and check out the 145 Club! It's a light hearted league full of rookie coaches. It's also got people who just outright suck like me, and even I managed to win the odd few games :)
Posted by Chainsaw on 2012-04-17 19:25:12
It can be tough as many coaches here can be quite ruthless.
There's just a few key rules that will make most of your turnovers go away:
- think first. Don't do anything for 10-15s at least; assess the play and think of a plan. (This one is my personal bane; I've often stood a player up only to realise I should be blitzing with him.)
- move non-rollers first. Always stand up players, move players into position that require no rolls. Get all your non-roll moves done, and you're already a more difficult defense/offense to break.
- minimize rolls. Don't make needless go for its etc. 1 in 6 fail. So you try 6, you'll usually fail one. Don't dodge needlessly leading up to important plays.
- don't reroll non-fail rolls. Rolled a push, but want a knockdown? Unless it's on the ball or required to get to make a gap, don't do it.
- protect the ball on pickups. The number of times coaches bomb their team forward, create a cage etc, then fail the pickup and have a stranded player who is a sitting duck - just having two players instead of one next to the ball makes getting the ball far more difficult.
- 3 dice is better than 2, 2 better than 1, 1 better than 0. Always go for the maximum dice on blocks (without sacrificing position). 1 dice blocks can be a pain in the backside for your opponent - assuming both have block, 1/6 fail but 2/6 knock a player over and 2/6 push him away sparing your player.
- necessary rolls first, unnecessary second. Again the number of times I've seen coaches throw irrelevant blocks before hitting the ball or breaking the defensive line, only to double skull, consume a reroll, then fail the important block/blitz; you can almost hear the "D'oh!" through the Internet.
- dodge, dodge, dodge. If you succeeded (or didn't fail) in your important play, and you have a few players still being marked in -2D or dangerous situations (e.g. a ghoul next to a MB dwarf) then dodge away. Ag2 dodges work half the time. Moving a zombie from an isolated player to a player that is in range of the main play can cause all kinds of headaches. The more the opponent has to roll for his important play, or the more risky his rolls are, the more likely they are to fail.
Apologies if this is patronizing.
Posted by koadah on 2012-04-17 20:02:42
kudos for sticking at it.
Check out the 145 Open League
I had a look at your record and you have played vs a number of coaches that most of us here would struggle to beat. ;)
Many of your opponents are rated over 155. Some over 160 and 170. That is tough schedule for a new coach.
Have a look at these.
Posted by Were_M_Eye on 2012-04-17 21:19:03
If you can't learn to do something well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly.
Posted by Lentava-Heppa on 2012-04-17 22:22:58
Been there, mate. When I came to FUMBBL, I kept getting several times more defeats than wins and draws combined. I kept making the stupid mistakes others here have pointed out (wasted rerolls on blocks when I should have picked up the ball, etc.).
After a while (dozens of games and trying out several teams) I got rid of some of the most idiotic habits and found a race that fits my style well. I'm still only about average player here (current stats for the team being 11/12/13) but slowly improving.
So, keep on losing and try to learn from your mistakes. :)
Posted by licker on 2012-04-17 23:03:42
"3 dice is better than 2, 2 better than 1, 1 better than 0."
Good advice except for the "1 better than 0."
Quite frequently you will be better off not dodging/gfi/throwing 1dbs than if you did. Of course it's always situational, but throwing a 1d without block or wrestle is often highly dubious.
Posted by FreeRange on 2012-04-17 23:43:39
keep your head up and keep learning. Many (if not all) of the worlds best play here (which I am most definitely not!) and as such is a great place to refine your game.
Replays are your friend!
At least you played TT first, FUMBBL was my introduction to blood bowl and it took 18 games before my 1st win. :)
Keep having fun!
Posted by Overhamsteren on 2012-04-18 01:05:29
You could probably do with restarting a human team and go for some solid basic starting players and skill selections. Just ask for help if needed.
Starting a similar human team in 145 Club also sounds like a good idea.
Also are you offering these games vs top coaches or are you getting picked? ;D
Posted by Leilond on 2012-04-19 14:27:34
A lot of us were where you are!
I think that in my first 50 mathes I got a record like 5/15/30 or the like! I've ben on 30% win rate
Now, after losing some tens matches, I worked to climb to 40% win rate, from 135 point to 160 point... and then "stopped"... it look like I'm not able to play better than this... but it looked like that way when I started... so... don't surrender!
Posted by Lorebass on 2012-04-19 15:22:14
Here is a great site for newer players and more advanced ones as well.
it has everything along with good startup builds (which i find TT players do wierd things for) and can help you early in your fumbbl learning.
try to also avoid the other coaches rated 155/160+ trying to get an easy win just because they have a better handle on the tactics.
stick to 140-150 coaches as they are still pretty good but can give forgiving games.