Vault Tech Squat already had a nice looking bio. But when OenarLod was talking about how his dream bio looked. I saw a chance to work on some thing that I had thought about for some time. You see I like cool bios and fluffed out teams. It does not have to be as crazy fluff as
Crossdressers or
Agility Monsters but a nice and storied career plus a good looking bio like
Flying Sammiches or
Kingston Kruelty really does a lot to make this little pixelgame all the more fun.
OenarLod showed a picture of the Pipboy 2000 from the fallout game and I thought here was the chance to show people what BB code and some creativity is capable of. I wanted to do some thing that had not been done before some thing that would add new never seen before stuff to bios. some thing that would inspire people to invent new and creative ways to use bb code for bios. Knowing some bb code my self I had some ideas of what was possible but had not yet been done. So I set OenarLod a chalange. I created a mock up and talked with him about it and together we worked out a layout with some nice and new functionality like indicaters of where you where buttons controlling more than one field multiple direction navigation and so on. All wrapped in what I hope people find appealing to show people what could be done with some graphics and som creative thinking in using the bb code.
I really hope some one got inspired and is creating the next level of bb code menues out there.
I would like to mention these guys as BB code innovators. Its right out of my memory so there might be great innovators whom I forgot sorry guys
Christer Yeah that guy!
Kam he was the first one to make graphic horisontal menues
Woodstock He created a help thread for bio menues where you could basically copy paste code making good looking bios availeble to all who could press ctrl c ctrl v
WhatBall showed us what bb code can do for tournament pages.
OenarLod owner and creator of the imho best looking and most advanced team bio on Fumbbl
I would allso mention these two threads as good recourses for inspiration or code help
Inspiring BB code bios the latest bb code menue being discussed
Examples of BB Code Woodstock offers you some copy paste recourses for bb code
Christers note page with working bb code