Posted by KhorneliusPraxx on 2014-09-03 15:09:18
Nice Work!
Posted by Jopotzuki on 2014-09-03 18:36:57
Hey Qaz I think I could teach you a trick or two in drawing cool logos. Let me know if your interested in hearing some pro tips ;)
Posted by Qaz on 2014-09-03 19:03:33
Unfortunately I don't have access to that fancy painting software of yours so I am stuck in Illustrator :/ if you have tips for me on how to improve my skills in Illustrator that would be much appreciated. since the auction is going shockingly slow but maybe its bad timing with people having all ready spend there funds when Christer asked for funds for the new server.
Posted by selfy_74 on 2014-09-03 22:26:39
Jopotzuki is a Jedi Master of the logo designing world. Watch and learn, my friend, watch and learn.