Inspired by Rabes Legendary Agility Monsters, Painstates Legendary Bloodsea Buccaneers, Kfogeds Legendary Nandorins and other legendary teams i decided to sit down and look through all my players on my Lizardmen team Quetzl's Jungle Fighters and see if it would be interesting to recreate the team with a mix of the best of the best from the team and some promising players!.
With a big thank you to Rabe and Sonrises i hereby present to you
Quetzl Jungle Fighters Legends
The team is centered around
Zlathuan of the Blood Pyramid III
who is still the all time best lizardmen kroxigor in ranked and was the very first kroxigor legend.
After the great succes of his team "Quetzl Jungle Fighters" Itzaloq of the Macu Peaks decided to confeer with the Old Gods and respawn the best of the players for exhibition matches to show other Slanns, and other civilizations the might of the Old Ones.