Posted by Purplegoo on 2010-03-24 21:36:01
Hehe. :D
Dead as a dodo when Kalimar finishes?
At least you know it's silly. ;)
Posted by Malgour on 2010-03-24 21:50:09
Dude! You da man!
Posted by RandomOracle on 2010-03-24 21:53:50
Purplegoo: Yeah, I'm counting the days when Kalimar's client begins beta testing with developing teams. It's pretty much going to be bye-bye Cyanide then. :)
Posted by erased000019 on 2010-03-24 22:01:23
For shame! I had wondered why I hadnt seen you playing on fumbbl anymore. Stop the picking and come back to play some real games, you are too good for that crap. :)
Posted by Optihut on 2010-03-24 22:08:26
Funny how DukeTyrion and Flix are in #3 and #4 spots respectively - fumbbl coaches ruling on Cyanide Bloodbowl as well :)
Posted by ryanfitz on 2010-03-24 22:28:32
rofl, hahahhahaahah you got a loss!
Posted by DonTomaso on 2010-03-24 22:42:50
Haha... loved the built-in excuses...
You rock!
Posted by Cloggy on 2010-03-25 07:36:40
Your TEAM is ranked #1. Don't really see anything referring to COACH ranking in that page you linked.
So you're not only a filtyhy cherrypicker who needs to hurry back into real competition, but also a liar :D
Grats on the accomplishment by the way!
Posted by nazgob on 2010-03-25 12:41:13
King of the World!!
Posted by nazgob on 2010-03-25 12:42:06
Just notived Flix and DukeTyrion - woo fumbbl!
Posted by JoeMalik on 2010-03-25 13:02:52
Look who is the number one human coach. Even more Fumbbl mightyness...
Posted by Russo on 2010-03-25 14:56:42
LOL nice :-)
Posted by Flix on 2010-03-25 18:45:09
Hrhr RandomOrcale
it was inceadible easy to get #1 , aint it'?
in my experiance in matchmaking 20% are opponents 80% are poor victims. Wjhat do you think
Posted by Malmir on 2010-03-25 19:50:42
I don't really get why any decent fumbbl coach worth his salt (as three of the top four places are) would bother with Cyanide. Where's the fun in a 53ish win 1 defeat record. The games must be incredibly dull, especially as you yourself point out how poor most opponents are.
Posted by RandomOracle on 2010-03-25 20:59:38
Malmir: It's LRB 5. I like playing Blood Bowl but I don't want to go back to LRB 4. I'm still having fun playing the game, otherwise I wouldn't be doing this. But yes, I'm very much looking forward to Kalimar's client and better opponents here.
Flix: Yeah, those numbers look about right. Nevertheless, there's always chance of a loss or tie, especially against high-level chaos who can cas half your team if they get lucky.
Posted by Ranzimus on 2010-03-25 22:00:51
It's not that hard to go undefeated on Cyanide's game. As long as you have friends who have lots of teams and you can match your TV to theirs exactly, put in MM for 40 second min and max at the same time as your buddy does and get his concession. Do that 26 times and you will be ahead of the master at this tactic and his dishonorable dwarves as well as his undefeated Orcs and Chaos.
Well done on taking the lead from him! :)
Posted by spiro on 2011-10-17 00:25:28
omg i knew it, Elvis is still alive, he is fat as hell, but still living.