Lets just start out by infuriatin
Mr. Edgedante some more; You're an idiot and a biggot, but mostly an idiot!
"(Raot, you didn't read my post very thoroughly, as I accused his household of being primitive and specifically noted that it couldn't possibly be his entire country.)"
A community can be as big or small as you want it to be, neither did I say anything about his country other then;
"they may come from Slovakia and may not have the same standards as the west."
Thats says almost nothing of the country itself.
"I repeat, there is no misunderstanding here. Check this out.
Let them kill each other if they please, but I don't want to get involved in their fight."
He just doesn't want to be involved
"you're the type that would turn a blind eye to a man getting attacked, threatened, or murdered for being born a certain color then you are sick and you are a monster."
Not wanting to be involved in the fight between racists and their targets isn't at all the same as not wanting to help an individual from being beaten/raped/murdered, no matter what skincolour!
"I'll see if I can remind the descendants of any Jewish families I know to be gassed a little more quietly for you, should anything like that ever occur again."
Now you're just being a total prat. I'm part jewish, part german, part gipsy, part polish, part danish. My grandfather nearly got gassed in Auswitch so how dare you bring that into this? I would have been gassed had I lived during WWII. Moron!
"If you don't actually believe that people of a certain ethnicity are inferior but you don't speak up when these things happen around you, then you're a self-important, cowardly little weenie."
And you're the selfimpotant, ignorant bastard, who flames anyone for not wanting to see you as the victim. Actually I will, you are the victim of your own simplistic views. Yes there may be persons where you live who would see you dead for dating a white woman. And it's good you wan't to fight that, it really is, but I live many thousand miles away from you, so how can you expect me to pick up your fight? We fight racism too, by not voting on extremist parties in our government, and manning the barricades when the racist minority here in Deanmark is on the march. what more can we do? it's illigal to kill them and that would only be stouping to their level. For we don't have open warfare with racists here.
"But there is no debate here, folks. This isn't two-sided. There are NO positives to racism."
First part; no in that you're wrong, when claiming us as racist, you're just trying to martyr youself, way to go, you're an extremist, let's line you up with the rest of the
usual suspects; The racist (of which you are the extreme opposite of), the suicede bomber and other religius extremists as well...
Second part;
You're actually right!
You wanna know why there can be no grey area, Raot?
Because indifference is why the Holocaust happened, and it's why in some places it could still happen today."
Thats a know fact, people were indifferent, yes, and thats what we should learn from. But you cannot blaim us for what happened in the past, you or I weren't there. And besides just becouse you're black doesn't entitle you use historical facts that has no relastion to you, as much as I'm not entitled to drag your nose into the ground of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
"From a potential victim's standpoint, let me tell you first hand that either you're absolutely 100% opposed or you're one of them, and I wouldn't doubt that any self-respecting black or Jewish man, woman, or child would tell you the same."
I may only be part jewish, but I tell you no, not everyone supports that claim, and how can you think to speak for everybody? many will accept you point of view as 100% valid. I don't. And in my eyes thats a completely backwaters point of view.
"There's something neither of you seem to understand here. By you know, walking around and being alive and being black, I am offending people to the point that they want to murder me for it - that part is entirely one-sided. I'm not trying to murder them. I oppose their beliefs by walking around and being faster, stronger, smarter and more successful than they are for every day of my life."
First part; I feel sorry that your life ended up that way, I really do, and yes you are correct, I don't understand it, I haven't lived it.
Second part; Good for you, really, it's good to hear you keep yourself alive by bieng smarter,faster and stronger then them.
Rasmus Otto.