“So it’s agreed then? 160,000 gold pieces and you’ll play one game against them poncy elves?”
“Yeah, yeahboss. Sallgoodinnit?”
“Yeah, whatever.” Percy turned to leave and then turned back “And bring your knife right?”
Percy lumbered off into the night. Skaven, you can’t trust them, you can’t even really understand them. But they’re quick, and them elves look well good so it’s nice to have an edge.
Game 4 in the PodBowl and it’s the two teams at the top of the table vying for supremacy. I got 160k in inducement money and being mostly a Cyanide player I thought I’d take a look at star players that aren’t in that version. Seems that Skitter Stab-stab is exactly 160k and as a stabbing gutter runner he’s ideally suited to getting rid of armour 7. I was tempted by Nobbla Blackwart but I decided the Skitter would be better all over as he’d be on the pitch longer and could do more than kill if needed.
Trumpkin won the toss and elected to receive. The elves shot down my right flank and I foolishly mentioned my two heads goblin so they didn’t quite go for the full side cage but the ball was well protected by the preening Elven linemen. Skitter went for the stab but didn’t achieve much so the rest of the team moved into defensive positions as best they could and the two heads goblin sauntered into the cage merrily. I couldn’t quite get a 2 man column by the sideline though and the Elves were able to punch Skitter out of the way and scored in turn 2.
1-0 to Quantity over Quality
The Elves kicked and I made a push up the left. Skitter ran forward with his stabbing knife of stabbing but once again failed to break armour. I failed the pickup first time but ran the ball forward on the second attempt and caged up. Elves being elves care not for poxy cages so they just waltzed in and took the ball carrier out. The ball scattered off the pitch and the throw in was a golden opportunity for the Elves. They collected it easily and ran it home.
2-0 to Quantity over Quality
Turn 8 and it’s time for the One turner. Skitter lines up on the LOS and knifes an elf off the pitch at last. I collect the ball with a thrower and GFI up to a goblin and then realise that this isn’t Cyanide and I should have declared the hand off at the start of the action. Never mind, I elect to pound some Elf instead and start thinning the ranks of pointy ears.
Half Time
The second half started with the Elves kicking off. I moved away from standard cages towards a large, diffuse swarm of rats and goblins being generally a nuisance. This paid off as the elves started to fail dodges. They also started to run out of elves. Some were injured (that St 4 Catcher is MNG, I expect money in the post Merrick) many more KO’d and refusing to get up and one dead. This is because Skitter is amazing. He got knocked down so many times but never failed an armour roll and KO’d loads of filthy elves.
That made it easy work to run the ball up the pitch and score.
2-1 to Quantity over Quality
I kicked to the Elves but there just weren’t enough of them left to really defend the ball carrier. I splattered my way in and got the ball free and scarpered off up the pitch with it. At the end of the drive there were 3 elves left on the pitch, none of the standing.
The Elves had a chance at a one turner but couldn’t make it work with the weight of numbers so much on my side.
Final score 2-2
In summary, Elves are squishier than Goblins and Rats. Percy was solid but unspectacular but he was happy to stand in the shadow of Skitter who was indestructible and lethal. The first half was Elf dominated and I was having a hard time working out how to deal with them but in the second, when the numbers were in my favour, it became easier to clag up their running lines and make them hurt. I’m happy with the draw as I was honestly expecting to get obliterated.
So the All Stars are still top of the table and still undefeated. Bring on the Slann!
This game can be viewed at Percy's YouTube Channel -
Match Report -
Quantity Over Quality
Percy's Arty All Stars