Ah well, the wheels had to come off at some point...
I was playing Glowworm's Norse who had already beaten the Slann into conceding. All that block means that they're a bogey team for Underworld at the best of times. I got inducements and opted to go with Fezglitch, a skaven Ball and Chain.
Glow opted to receive so I decided to keep Fezglitch in reserve for a drive when I had control (bad move!). I lined up and in the first turn Percy got Badly Hurt. I apothecaried him (I forgot about regen in all honesty) but I did at least manage to KO the Snow Troll in retaliation. Glow caged up and trudged up the pitch. And all the bullshit I normally get away with stopped working. My two heads goblin died (he was extremely in harms way) and the other goblins couldn't make a 3+ with a reroll without leaving the pitch. I had my skaven but the numbers were against me and I couldn't threaten the cage. Glow stalled and gave me one turn of Ball and Chain goodness. I went for the one turner and failed the 3+ with a reroll pickup.
The second half was more of the same. Percy left the pitch in turn 2, Badly Hurt again and another Goblin died. I was very down on players and Glowworm easily took the ball off me and scored for a 2-0 win.
In the last turn or so I got to set up one last time. I figured my MB blitzer could at least thump a Norse lineman. I set up and the kick-off was perfect defence. Still, I had a 1D with Block so why not go for it. Both Down, without thinking I rerolled it. Skull. Dead. Story of the game really.
As bad as my dice were it was a fun game. Glowworm has a reputation for being a fun opponent and it's well deserved. He played solidly and I did my best with what I had but Percy is no longer undefeated or gunning for the top spot. I'd still like a top 3 finish though, I think that'd be a solid achievement with Underworld.
The video is on YouTube in Percy's Channel so watch it!
Addendum: Since I wrote this results have come in for some of the final matches. Glow drawing with Trumpkin means that what's left of the All Stars (and any help they can buy in) can finish at the top of the league if they beat Nightwing's Necro. If I lose it'll be 4th place at worst which I'm pretty happy with (if my sums can be trusted...)