Hi all!
It has been a while since I last posted news about the Royal Rookie Rumbles. Partly because summer is always a little slow (certainly so for me), but I also let things slide because we needed to figure out how to continue with the format. So,
TL;DR >> Inducing Star Players is disallowed in RRR games. <<
The power of Star Player builds in the RRR had been discussed ever since the new rules came to FUMBBL, in the
forums or
Java's blog for example. I am a little proud that the RRR community kept them at low numbers for a good time on the base of a gentlemens agreement, but it is clear that that will not be enough. The Stars are just too good, their presence was so dominant that the tourneys felt more like the Royal Star Player Rumbles. So now we are bringing the Rookie back to the Rumbles.
I apologize if you are one who enjoys playing Star Player teams. I am sure you can find another place on FUMBBL to do it, leagues do allow them and gamefinder, too, although it is a little tricky there. I genuinely hope you find your fun around here.
Coaches will be responsible themselves to not induce Star Players, even if the client menue allows it. Should your opponent (or you, by accident) induce a Star player anyway, do not play the game. Instead, have the game reset by a FUMBBL admin. Best way is to politely ask for it in the help channel of the
FUMBBL discord, but you can also file a ticket for it (takes longer though). As always, when you are having RRR-related trouble, you can PM me (or Bazakastine) and we will figure things out.
This rules change does not apply to the final of RRR 523 which is still open atm. Lyracian may induce Stars for that game should he choose to. Sorry, Storr. ;)
I cleaned out the waiting list of applied teams and PMed the relative coaches so everybody is aware of the rules change.
If you want to let me know your opinion on this change, I'll be glad to read it. I also thank you for bearing with us, I know doing something about the RRR was overdue.
Last but not least, congratulations go to the most recent RRR winners:
JB (RRR 521 with Snots) and
Bone (RRR 522 with Skaven)!
Now go build a rookie team and apply!
Cheers, Rawlf
There are currently 2 teams missing to start another Royal Rookie Rumble!
As soon as the required number of teams is reached, a new tournament will be started and all participating coaches will be notified via PM.
If you are interested in joining, read here: Rules
and then apply here: Application
Please be aware
Only teams from the Competitive division with 0 games played will be accepted.
Every coach is welcome but the "Rookie" in Royal Rookie Rumble refers to the teams, not necessarily to the coaches!
Winner gets 100,000 gold pieces and
a record on the coach profile.