Posted by ananio on 2020-07-12 08:26:36
Welcome to FUMBBL! Club 145 is the place for new coaches, with more experienced coaches giving advices, help with skill choices, etc. over a quite active Discord server. See you there :)
Posted by MrCushtie on 2020-07-12 08:30:48
Seconded on the 145 Club recommendation.
In general:
Leagues > Box > Ranked.
In Ranked, you're often going to get picked by more experienced coaches who can see an advantage to taking on your team. Box is fairer because it's TV-matched and you can't see who you're be matched against in advance, but at higher TV there's a lot of bash and that makes it harder to run AG teams. League is best, I think, but you need to find the right league for you (I can recommend at least SWL, BSL, SSL and CBFL, but timezones are probably the biggest determinant of which works for you)
Good luck, and have fun!
Posted by jdm on 2020-07-12 09:01:40
Welcome to FUMBBL! Get on discord, ask questions and play games
Posted by RoseOfBlood on 2020-07-12 09:18:01
Thank you love the welcoming :)
Posted by razmus on 2020-07-12 13:46:30
Greetings and welcome! Another vote for ya to look into the 145 Club. It was a great group of folks when I started out. I see you're in the Americas, and there's a meta group ( for that, with it's own Discord server.
And if you're looking for other leagues in which to play, this list ( should be reasonably up to date.
Secret League America (SLA) will start recruiting for Season 11 any day now, if you're into non-standard rosters.
Posted by Rbthma on 2020-07-12 19:02:57
Welcome to FUMBBL!
Posted by ramchop on 2020-07-13 05:02:06
Welcome to FUMBBL. The date format on your blog titles will bug me :)
Posted by RoseOfBlood on 2020-07-13 06:36:57
Sorry, @ramchop I might remove that soon if it bothers people.
Posted by luxyluxo on 2020-07-13 13:50:44
Welcome to FUMBBL
Posted by Wyzard on 2020-07-24 22:15:34
Just noticed this blog. Having been your first on FUMMBL I'm happy you walked way from the game having a blast.