Tricolore of the
Warpheadz has become a legend but what next?
I know he is just another boring CPOMB build but what should that 6th Skill be? Options as far as I can see are:-
- Fend. Might keep him alive longer but isn't that just a little negative for such a killer
- Grab. Useful skill for moving them around but is the point that I want to kill them?
- Pro. Went for this on the last Blitzer to become a Legend. Work well but on occasion that Pro re-roll on a push back doubled skull at just the wrong time
Thoughts welcome. Warpheadz are my Tournie team if that makes any difference and for now will be going docile waiting for the Lustrian after getting splatted in the first match of the GLT. So he won't be killing any more for a while