Posted by Stonetroll on 2017-04-02 11:15:50
That rock was pretty savage.
Posted by Scarlak on 2017-04-02 23:08:43
The rock was a real kick in the teeth. That said I had appo left and could have just put my side step gutter on one side and Str4 blitzer on the other with guard behind. Lazy.
Posted by ArrestedDevelopment on 2017-04-03 09:03:17
Yeah, mega rock, but DE can one turn, and it's Kingvan, so he was always gonna try.
Still a "pffffffffffft" moment though!
Posted by venom9 on 2017-04-03 20:49:41
After reading this I actually managed to do something similar that I wouldn't usually have done. This helped me get a draw from a game that I was expected to lose.
(2nd half 8th turn for TD)