2009-07-11 13:55:19
25 votes, rating 2.9
As ive already said, I like to build my teams, I like to build great players, id be very upset at losing a good player, I dont foul (until now) and I dont like being fouled. Id rather BH ur players than SI or RIP. If I could choose all my ingame casualties to be BH I would. I dont care what anyone else says about that I stand by it. If you cross me, I will cross you, thats the sort of person I am. Although I am very aware that sometimes it wont work out in an advantageous fashion for me, I'll do it on principal, cause I think I, you, everyone should. Its the last line of deffense for dealing with people who will shaft you.
I played against an amazon team recently, having already created an amazon team and played a few games myself. This guy was pretty darned good or so say I, and he beat me comprehensively and well. At one point early in the game I think he set up his whole team (nearly... evil grin) deffending his ball carrier one square away from his TD. This guy in my opinion was a little bit rude, but far from the worst id played, so tbh getting a pounding on the pitch, not enjoying the chat, and cursing the good fortune (and skill) of someone who I considered to be a bit scummy. Anyways, I was quite peeved at his stalling and the way it went down and so I chose, for the first time I think, to foul his rather fragile player on the deck with everything I had rather than using my fewer players to try to get the ball off him and probably injure more of my players. Now he didnt like this very much and (in my head I heard a whiney drone) I would run it in if you threatened my ball carrier. I thought, FUCK YOU, ive got 7 plaers left how in the hell do you expect me to get it. So I settled for putting the boot in. I dont think I did any damage with my foul, I didnt care but what it did do was make him run it in. He started with more players than me and scored again. The foul, in my opinion made him start talking to me and made him stop stalling which might not have worked against slightly higher av teams. After what I perceived to be him breaking the ice in as amiable fashion as possible. He was still rude in my opinion, I told him he had a talent for being insulting without trying which he laughed off, saying I am american. Later as the game drew to a close he said "bloodbowl makes me forget that there are other people at the other end of the internet". Anyways he scored again for maybe 3, and truth be told after he started talking I enjoyed the game much more, even tho i got hammered, and I actually chose to make the first foul of the match for the first time ever without damaging anyone and to achieve, what in my mind was an honourable goal.
I watched purplechest lose in a SMACK (scheduled) recently against vaclav. It was really quite something to watch. Ive never seen multiple people speaking in grey chat whilst spectating before. I watched this game having read lots of people say watch the really good coaches to improve. I picked it up from turn 2 or 3 I think and watched it till the first turn or two of overtime.
The dark elves got the ball next to the opposing end zone and set up the whole team deffending that square. Now my first impressions when I saw this were something like, M.........r, if I was playing this game I would be seriously pissed. I think that a couple of fouls went in from the Delves and the player numbers tipped to 3 or 4 in their favour. I thought the game was over at this point. I would have been seriously demoralised. The Norse carried on pumping away, and did their best. As I recall the delves went in 1 0 at half time with 3 or 4, maybe even 5 player advantage, altho both teams had subs.
I watched the second half and slowly things got better for the norse. A ko or two, a badly hurt, and a death, definately a death for the delves, I cant remember if this was from a DP foul or not. Anyways, the norse managed to get the ball get it to the end zone of the delves and by the end of the half the player advantage had slipped back to norse and purplechest was saying "this is not my game". After 8 turns I would have disagreed, after 16 I would have betted my house on that statement. The norse won in the end, it was a great match to watch and I reckon I learned lots from it.
At 16 turns I thought to myself "I should not, I will not, its not always best to stall". I cannot help but feel that stalling was the wrong decision for the delves.
Now respect and kudos to both coaches cause they would both destroy me in any game im sure. If ive said something offensive or insulting that was a mistake. I know nothing, I just wanted to share my thoughts and was curious what if anything people would say about what ive decided to write here.
So, I still probably wont foul you if you dont foul me, but as someone aid to me, there are 6 actions and if you refuse to use one then ur reducing ur chances of winning. Accepted, and I will now use it if the circumstances are right, but I can lose a game and take damage without fouling.
In life, there are maybe 1,000,000 million actions are available, 900,000 of which are probably bad, harmful to others whatever. Will you be more successful in life if you use the 900,000, or even some of those actions ?
Almost definitely so. Will I use them ? No. Will I be less successful ? Yes. Will I be angry frustrated depressed by most people using them ? Yes. Will I stab you in the back if I think you deserve it ? You bet your granny on it, if someone plays dirty with me (and im not talking about making the first foul now), all bets are on. I am not here (planet earth not FUMBBL) to be shafted by anyone.