Posted by princevaliant on 2010-03-30 19:42:39
The sideview is the tricky part, at least for those of us not artistically inclined. I'd love to see a sideview on these guys so I can use them. The Skaven Ball and Chain would be hilarious even just as a normal linerat :-)
Posted by SnakeSanders on 2010-03-30 19:44:03
OK, Ill try to knock one up now!
Posted by f_alk on 2010-03-30 20:57:20
Go LRB6! (and that's just a dozen more icons for you to do ;) )
I like Dolfar ... I think if you tried to make one leg in skin colour (or another bright colour?) it might look better - but I may be utterly wrong with that :) - I was thinking of the barefoot kicker miniature or another pic of an elf with different coloured legs. It would pronounce the skills and position as a kicker of Dolfar.
But that is just my personal opinion.
Posted by f_alk on 2010-03-31 13:19:05
Yay for the barefoot kicker :)
I really like the raised leg of Hubris and the idea of keeping the DE armor for Ithaca,... could you copy a skeleton arm on the fleshy one (for fluffness sake)?
Posted by maysrill on 2010-03-31 15:34:35
Leggier slaan maybe (since the whole races gets VLL). I could even see them not having square icons to make them taller.
Some blue models would be nice, too.
Posted by Calthor on 2010-03-31 15:45:34
Love the Slann icon!