10 coaches online • Server time: 07:58
Last seen 15 years ago
2008-08-22 13:38:02
rating 3.2
2008-08-19 10:21:17
rating 3.8
2008-08-18 13:20:43
rating 4.1
2008-08-05 16:08:52
rating 4
2008-08-04 15:42:50
rating 1.8
2008-07-31 10:02:19
rating 3.6
2008-07-30 15:00:03
rating 4
2008-07-25 11:24:13
rating 4.4
2008-08-18 13:20:43
26 votes, rating 4.1
Even though the points described underneath might seem very obvious to you, it involves a couple of issues which caused me quite some inconvenience over the past weeks.
Looking into my recent games I've noticed the following:
1) Winning doesn't hurt, neither does trying to win. It's the point of this game, so try to play games accordingly :-)
2) Don't ever feel sorry for your oponent. They won't return the feeling - ever. If your opponent is suffering from insaneley bad dice rolls, is having his top players killed or seriously maimed, and is having the beating of his life, smile and rejoice - but stay fair. A little pat on the back and some comforting words AFTER the match are more then ok.
3) Losing with style is an art. Swearing at your opponent because he's ' a f***-ing lucktard' (sic) is not nice, not appropriate (I mean come on, look at my matchrecord - lol) and can seriously ruin the atmosphere. Next time I'll just have to remember to screenshot it.
4) Pay more attention to misclicks. It's stupid, it's annoying and it can costs you a win (*sigh*)
5) Playing an AV7 team and not fouling is a point in my tactic which may need reconsidering. If everything works out and you're lucky you'll cause more casualties (but this will happen like once out of 10 games). Especially when faced with higher AV teams, it's often your only defense in keeping up with the cas count.
6) Need more DP's
7) Repeat 6
That's it for now :-)
Keep on fumbbling.