Posted by akaRenton on 2015-01-22 17:31:37
Just from the 1st turn of the replay of your last pact match I noticed a couple of things. You didn't cover the ball, so if you'd failed immediately you gave them a shot of breaking through and getting to it. Your first action was with a big guy. Loner means that if they fail (and they often do), chances of the RR are low. You also blitzed with a BG. Again, chances of fail make that a risky move.
I'd go look at this post, it's general advice but it seems your problem is more about knowing how too manage the risk of moves than race specific:!+of+Blood+Bowl%3A+A+Condensed+Guide+for+Newbies
Posted by akaRenton on 2015-01-22 17:32:04
I'm not very familar with pact, so cant help much more than that.
Posted by SpadesOfJack on 2015-01-22 17:54:48
There's FUMBBL's Chaos Pact strategy page at: Pact Strategy
Also, more in depth, there's:
Chaos Pact: The Trodden Path
Chaos Pact: Open Your Mind
Posted by garyt1 on 2015-01-22 20:56:16
Renton's comments makes sense. Keep the ball safe and do easy actions first. Chaos Pact with three big guys are tough as the big guys are overpriced (troll not too bad) and unreliable. However the big guys are fun.
Posted by Grod on 2015-01-22 21:09:04
Pact with 3 big guys is lots of fun. Make sure you:
Protect the big guys.
Block or blitz with 3 dice.
Spread the big guys out to cover the field in defence.
Dont give away unnecessary blocks.
Blitz with Minotaur as needed.
Get some guard. This helps with point 2.
Posted by Catalyst32 on 2015-01-23 06:54:51
I've been playing Pact in League for a few seasons now with moderate success. What I have learned overtime is this...
Skill Choices - Choose RELIABLE SKILLS
Skills like Guard, Stand Firm, Block, Wrestle, etc as much as you can.
You have 3 UNRELIABLE Big Guys... make sure your Marauders can be relied upon... and as much as possible your Big Guys.
General Play - Play conservative as often as you can. Certainly there are times to take risks... but more than on many other teams you need to think ahead assuming all the dice rolls will fail. Move the player you can move for free. Block 1st with the players that have Block etc... There are multiple advices for conservative play.
Blocking/Blitzing - Make at least 1 solid Blitzer among your Marauders or use the Dark Elf. Block, Horns, Tackle... those 3 skills are crucial to have on at least 1 player. 1 guy you can count on to deliver a solid hit.
When blocking with the Big Guys you want to try to set-up 3 Dice Blocks... 2 dice Blocks are acceptable in a pinch but sometimes you are better off letting your Big Guy just stand there asserting a TZ and getting in the way.
Guard and Stand Firm are great stand there and get in the way skills. Remember how each Big Guy Negatrait works. Make sure the Troll has a buddy. Remember the Mino may not move if he isn't Blocking or Blitzing... maybe him staying where he is isn't so bad. Sometimes the Troll or Ogre are better off just standing right where they are... don't activate them if them going Stupid/Bonehead is going to ruin your positioning.
Posted by LucaAnt on 2015-01-23 07:36:50
its a jungle out their and ur either pilin awn or getting piled
Posted by Badoek on 2015-01-23 08:23:03
... upawn