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Last seen 7 years ago
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2016-11-27 18:42:15
rating 6
2016-02-27 16:45:18
rating 2.3


2015-09-26 00:43:22
rating 5.3
2015-02-21 16:56:28
rating 2.7
2015-01-22 17:15:07
rating 4.8
2015-09-26 00:43:22
12 votes, rating 5.3
is fummbl just for guys
I was wonduring is there any gals playing on fumbbl or is this league just on all guys league
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Posted by Uedder on 2015-09-26 00:46:18
Lots of girls really.
Posted by Dalfort on 2015-09-26 01:04:56
I have played vs several female coaches, some do not overtly make it known ;)
Posted by mrt1212 on 2015-09-26 01:10:15
It's for everyone but the demographics are highly skewed male. Lots of factors contribute and it's not just specific to Fumbbl.
Posted by JimmyFantastic on 2015-09-26 01:11:26
There are no girls on the internet ;)
Posted by animefreak2599 on 2015-09-26 01:20:14
women dont exist and blodge is a scam. wake up sheeple!
Posted by Endzone on 2015-09-26 01:28:20
Surprised by Jimmy's comments - I had him down as someone who would be over familiar with certain female presence on the inter-web ;)
Posted by gibby33 on 2015-09-26 01:30:19
Properly, all I can really say is that I've never seen a coach profile pciture that was of a woman.

When it comes down to it the only way to tell the gender of a player is the profile picture and if someone takes up issue of being called a he instead of a she in a pm.

To sum it up the answer is no one really cares, as there is nothing the site can do. It's not like it's losing female players so there isn't really a problem to fix.
Posted by Antithesisoftime on 2015-09-26 01:36:23
I can promise that there is at least one female player on this site.
I'm sure there are several others as well
Posted by Wreckage on 2015-09-26 01:39:07
You've gotta have a lot of faith in peoples honesty, gibby ^^.

I'm convinced the amount of female fumbblers is at steady 5%.
Posted by JimmyFantastic on 2015-09-26 01:40:12
Yeah profile pics don't mean much unless NFL stars play here lol
Posted by Artemis_Hide on 2015-09-26 02:50:29
I'm a girl, but i don't know how to set my profile pic XD
Posted by JoeKano on 2015-09-26 03:18:46
Its hard to get female gamers into a group and harder still to keep them. Between the casual sexism, misogyny and homophobia so many of us indulge in, often without even realising it, we can make it an unpleasant place for LGBTIQ and female gamers.

I hope that change comes to our culture in much the same way the HipHop scene needs to rein itself in, as it does all the same things. There should be no Male Gamers, no Female Gamers, no LGBTIQ Gamers, there should just be Gamers.
Posted by koadah on 2015-09-26 03:22:02
The women know that the geeks get all weird in the presence of a woman so they allow people to assume that they are guys.
A person who appears to obviously be a woman is most likely a guy.

"I thought you were a guy."
"Most guys do."

Posted by koadah on 2015-09-26 03:25:29
I do remember a coach admitting to being another coach's mum.

I assume that he got her to change her user name after that.
Posted by Jeffro on 2015-09-26 03:39:48
Chaos Cup - the United States TT Major - is run by a woman. My last TT league had a girl in it, too. I follow a lady on Twitter that plays occasionally. I plan on teaching my daughter (she's picking up chess first). I'm certain it's mainly a cock party playing Blood Bowl, but the only way to find out if girls are interested in playing is to share the enjoyment of playing.
Posted by mrt1212 on 2015-09-26 03:42:06

That's so darling.
Posted by Antithesisoftime on 2015-09-26 04:54:47
glad I'm not the only one
Posted by Jim_Fear on 2015-09-26 05:03:07
If it's a cock party, I'll bring the dip.
Posted by Kill-Kill on 2015-09-26 05:22:48
The second-highest ranking admin on the site for quite some time was a woman.
Posted by Arktoris on 2015-09-26 05:56:42
bloodbowl isn't a woman's game. They tend to leave after their favorite player gets killed.
Posted by MisterFurious on 2015-09-26 06:25:15
There was a Necro coach that was a woman. She used to play all the time but then she quit. I'm sure there's also quite a few females that pretend to be male to avoid stupid crap. I wanted to play an Elementalist in Guild Wars and the males looked like Kip Winger and the females were hot bellydancers, so I made my character a female without thinking too much about it, but people assumed I was a female and I got harrassed quite a bit. I had a guy try and find out where I lived and every time I went AFK, I came back to find a Warrior dance-humping my head. There were other creepy incidents. I didn't even pretend to be a female, either. I got sick of it and had to make a new character after a while. I don't begrudge any woman that pretends to be a man online after that.
Posted by tussock on 2015-09-26 06:53:48
Really, Arktoris? Here I though BB wasn't really a man's game because it didn't involve constantly punching yourself in the face.
Posted by Roland on 2015-09-26 07:17:19
Heck, i've even seen ladies face each other in league games! :D

@JoeKano: so true, we should welcome anyone to fumbbl
Posted by animefreak2599 on 2015-09-26 08:16:59
It must be a good thing I don't have any favorite players or I definitely would've quit a long time ago. Thanks for your insights Arktoris!
Posted by Wreckage on 2015-09-26 09:30:13
Look, call this sexist or whatever stereotyping female interests but women are rare here because the themes of this game will just not attract women. There is nothing in this community that is specifically unwelcoming to women other than the fact that almost only men are here to begin with. This is an inclusive community not just because people here are old and have a reasonably good attitude for gamers but mainly because it just attractive to play the game against new people.

If you look at what types of women play this game you'll find that they will be almost always introduced by a partner or a close relative and in many cases rather engage in the game as a common interest. But this is pretty much the extent of it. You'll likely not see a woman introduce another woman to the game and something like a tabletop league with only women is something entirely implausible to me. I very much doubt that in the entire history of the sport something like that has ever existed.
Posted by pythrr on 2015-09-26 09:40:37
jesus, feel the sexist nonsense being spouted.

everybody just stop mansplaining already.
Posted by bigbullies on 2015-09-26 10:12:09
I was about to say animefreak is female but i see shes already posted
Ive also played a female coach who was under guise initially as a male she was an exceptional coach she ruined my team good and proper they still havent recovered :)
Posted by cdassak on 2015-09-26 10:13:36
Busted by the FUMBBL ethics police (pythrr)
Delete this blog asap
Posted by azzie on 2015-09-26 11:20:13
I'm broadly with JoeKano and Koadah on this. Gaming on the interweb offers the opportunity for an on-line persona different to a person's real-life persona. Many people who have experienced sexism / unwanted come-ons / homophobia in RPG and tabletop gaming find this anonymity liberating and find they can play without all that stuff getting in the way. Its is, however, a bit of a double-edged sword as it leads to the perpetuation of the assumption that the hobby is dominated by straight males which in turn becomes self-fulfilling. OK, I'll stop now!
Posted by frogboy on 2015-09-26 11:41:56
Women should be encouraged to play more online games where there fragile body's and limited intellect could almost compete with males at a game of chance. Unfortunately their desire to do menial house work keeps them occupied for all of there free time and tiring them out before bed with games could be detrimental to relationships and I would not want to be cruel and force that hardship on my Women.
Posted by spinball on 2015-09-26 12:34:17
After attending Gen Con, and Origins before that I can say the female gamer population has boomed in the last 15 years. But also being said, I could give a s**t what your gender/age/race/ect.... is. If you are fun to play, or at least entertaining then you are cool with me
Posted by harvestmouse on 2015-09-26 15:21:29
"The second-highest ranking admin on the site for quite some time was a woman."

I think we're all better off for forgetting that one. And people thought I was psychotic!
Posted by Merrick18818 on 2015-09-26 15:23:40
The jury's still out on me.
Posted by akaRenton on 2015-09-26 18:45:19
I know of a fair few female coaches on here, all very pleasant people. Personally couldn't give a monkeys what gender the coaches are as long as the act like evolved human beings and not like douche-canoes :D

As someone else said, awful lot of "I did a term of psychology" nonsense being spouted in these replies - kind of fascinating to read the responses though, a bit like watching monkeys fling pewp.
Posted by BillBrasky on 2015-09-26 19:48:53
I'd guess 90% claiming to be female here are not.

The ones that are, do not advertise it.

But, as previously mentioned, there have been a number on here.

One of my favorite coaches, many years ago was World_Wide_Wamp. She & I played quite a bit until she started birthing children. That kind of ended Fumbbl for her. Her partner was on here, but for the like of me, I can't remember his name O.o, but he was a cool dude too.

My wife played a few games on here, but it wasn't her cup of tea.
Posted by harvestmouse on 2015-09-26 23:13:05
Coincidentally, https://fumbbl.com/~Kaffe_kopp got married today/yesterday. So congratulations to Liv.
Posted by Dominik on 2015-09-26 23:26:45
Different brains make different interests.
Posted by Wreckage on 2015-09-27 04:46:15
Azzie, it's not that there are few women in gaming. Find the right game and you'll find more women than man. it's that there are very few women in BB. This is a reality you'll find too when you see live events.

There is something called target groups. And it exists virtually everywhere. And gender makes a difference there. You'll find women that dig the fantasy theme, you'll find women that are into sport. Types of women that are into both those things is already a stretch. Add to that not doing actual sport but rather play a board game about it and you have a drop in numbers.