Posted by Azure on 2012-06-30 19:20:36
I have felt both happy and sad when I kill a great player of my opponent's team. It depends on the person...if they refuse to chat and are just a min/maxer trying to kill my team - I feel nothing but joy at killing one of their key players. Conversely, if I am playing a newer players, an unbalanced matchup in my favor, or if the other guy is fun and we are having a great game - then I am sad when I take out a key player.
So I know what you mean - can be both happy or sad...for me it depends on my opponent.
Posted by vaclav on 2012-06-30 19:25:46
Azure- Yup, no kill was sweet as killing your str4 runner dwarf :)
Posted by Jeffro on 2012-06-30 19:51:02
Boo for apologizing for killing players. To feel sorry about it and continue doing things that bring about the result is incongruent behavior and leads to mental frustration as you try to balance the justifications in your own head.
Just kill them and let it go when legends of your own die. It's the only way you'll survive playing for a long period of time. Don't be sorry. Embrace the sploosh sound, wherever it comes from.
Posted by zakatan on 2012-06-30 20:08:41
Jeffro is right.
And if what you kill is a filthy minmaxed legend, there are reasons to celebrate. How do you think he got there in the first place...
Posted by Naru1981 on 2012-06-30 21:27:40
TBH someone saying sorry annoys me. IF you was sorry then you wouldn't have blocked in first place. RIP is a possible outcome.
But when a great player is killed i still find it great lol
Posted by The_Murker on 2012-07-01 02:48:39
ah.. I lost my near legend Box AG4 human catcher today. RIP Crom. Was a good sploosh. My biggest fans (booing specs, love em) all gave him a several minute standing ovation and cheers. Was a proud moment.
donluca.. the question of the day is, how do YOU feel about playing min/maxed teams. What if every second game were like that. That's what alot of us would like to know.
Posted by donluca on 2012-07-01 14:04:54
First of all, thank you guys for your inputs, the bloodbowl community is awesome! :)
I must say that whenever an injury occurs on the other team I'm pretty thrilled as I know that my boys get stronger and the match turns in my favor... if I manage to kill an opponent's player then there's a mix of (a little of) sadness and (a lot of) delight and, yeah, as many of you said this is part of the game, so no need to be sorry.
Speaking of min-maxed teams... well, I must say that it's really frustrating playing against those guys, it just leads you to rage and try to do as much damage as possible to the other team without even trying to win.
As I said before, it is demoralizing as well as you know that if you want to try to win, you have to play super safe and very cautious as even the slightest mistake will make your castle of cards come down.
On the other hand, though, playing against a min-maxed team is sort of a great challenge, an opportunity to prove how superior your tactics are despite how developed or strong the other team is (put challenge accepted meme here).
If I'll ever win against a min-maxed team, you can bet that I'll be bragging night and day about it here and making a lengthy blog post with all the details on how the match went.
Yeah, that would definitely feel good.
It all depends on how you cope with this matter.
You can accept it as it is a part of the game (just like there are imbalanced classes in RPGs) and go the "if you cant' beat 'em, join 'em" way or just accept it as a challenge and devote yourself on searching & destroying this teams.
Not accepting the fact that those min-maxed teams exist and there is a possibility you will fight them is not an option, whining on blog posts about how unfair they are will not make you a better player, nor will help the community fighting against this problem.
If you're serious about this matter and want to find a way to avoid the use of min-maxed team, then we should make a poll on the forum and, depending on the results, decide to ban those abusing this technique.
As for me, I need to play more min-maxed team to see if there's a way, a good tactic, to contain their advantage and eventually beat them or if it is just a matter of luck.
Obviously, I'll keep you informed on my discoveries! :)
Posted by Jeffro on 2012-07-01 17:08:47
Often people lose sight of the fact that minmaxers are playing the meta-game of numbers advantage... much in the same way that you feel when you say:
"I must say that whenever an injury occurs on the other team I'm pretty thrilled as I know that my boys get stronger and the match turns in my favor..."
That's what minmax ClawPOMB teams are doing. They are trying to win BY killing your mens and gaining the numbers advantage. And they are doing it in a cold and effective businesslike manner. So again, I implore, do not be sad when you kill pixels. It'd be just as ridiculous to say sorry every time you win against someone...
... and winning is the thing.
Posted by MattDakka on 2012-07-02 01:28:55
If you want to win against Clawpombers, you have to use an agile team, either an undead or amazon team, or another clawpomb team (but in this last case injury dice and kick off will be more influent than your own coach skill).
Norse are not a good team to defeat Clawpombers.
Posted by the_Sage on 2012-07-02 08:20:33
Minor correction: norse are not a good team to beat pombers. they do quite all right against claw. =)
Posted by MattDakka on 2012-07-02 15:24:24
Claw doesn't affect AV 7, but on the other hand you don't need many damage skills to break it, so each block Norse players suffer is potential dangerous and they can't dodge away like elves, so they are not a good anticlaw team.
Posted by donluca on 2012-07-02 15:28:50
Alright, I just realized that "clawpomber" is a guy who has the claw, Piling On and Mighty Blow skills. xD
Thanks for the tips... and a question while I'm on it: if I manage rolling a +AV, would you take it to make my norse team more "reliable"?
Posted by Fela on 2012-07-02 16:31:06
Not in the box.