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Last seen 28 weeks ago
Win Percentage
2017-07-18 11:18:42
6 votes, rating 5.5
Took 200 games to discover power of fouling :P
I just played my 200th match here on fumbbl, today. Was really looking for a smooth match to recover my necros from their missing fg at 950TV and got matched with some unskilled lizzies in their 4th match. Was thinking a bit about whether or not to purchase inducements and put in those extra 20K just for the fun of dirty tricks. I then was a bit disappointed by the card "Kicking Boots" as I didn't like making a zombie even more of a wreck they already are with ma=3, but played that card at the beginning of the match, nonetheless. Little did I know at that time, how much fun there was in store for me. :P I've never before really looked at fouling as a worthy tactic (for me) and haven't taken dp on anyone, before (well, at least not on fumbbl - years back, I've actually given it to a dwarf Runner, once, just to discover that I would suffer from a valuable player missing out for trying some dirty plays that rarely worked - the more he developed the more I regretted that choice...). Not like my unskilled zombie in this match: He couldn't have been more useful than when he put his boot in thrice, cas'ing two sauri, before he finally got ejected. Ok, for the 1st cas. he didn't even need dp, at all, but my point is: I'd have never focused on putting the boot into some player at all, if it hadn't been for dp! :-)

So I think I'll take dp on every team with cheap players, now - might even mean, that I give an mvp to one of them, since they're pretty hard to skill at all...

What a nice way to finish my first 200 matches. Will try to average at least 1 foul / match for the next 200 (it's now at 169 / 200 games). Sadly, my opponents team got retired after this match, but worth it, considering that I might not have been able to pull off a win in any other way.
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Posted by Prez on 2017-07-18 11:34:09
Fouling is a solid tactic......bloody annoying when it doesn't work and you get Ted ejected on the snakes ;)
Posted by mister__joshua on 2017-07-18 11:51:26
REAL Bloodbowl coaches have a fouls-per-game stat above 2 :P
Posted by Medon on 2017-07-18 13:31:25
DP-s should foul on average 3x per match.
Posted by finsterface on 2017-07-18 13:49:50
Aiming at about 3 foul / match on avg. with a DP seems like a pretty balanced way of approaching this tactic. :-)

Was stating avg. 1 foul / game for next 200 matches as a goal as it'll take a while to even get a DP on every team with cheap players and then I have some teams (Lizzies, Dwarf, maybe even Chaos), where players seem too valuable to actually use them for fouling and I'll probably be averaging less than 1 foul / match...
Posted by ArrestedDevelopment on 2017-07-18 14:29:39
Yeah stick the booooot in!

Chaos can benefit from a DP, but Dwarf is questionable (actually somewhat ironically, usually if you take DP on Dwarves it's the the second runner who does so, so you're old self wasn't wrong). Lizzies is a fun one - a skink is a pretty expensive boot with dp, but can get pretty much anywhere.
Posted by garyt1 on 2017-07-19 00:08:49
Him retiring was worth it for you, but perhaps not for him :D
Yeah the odd boot is good. It is still generally a risky tactic but can certainly make people nervous when you have some cheapish foulers about. I find when I am fouled my players get cas'd surprisingly often. Boot!
Posted by finsterface on 2017-07-19 10:20:57
It wasn't his (in my eyes: unnecessary) retirement (no perms besides a dead 0-spp-skink), that made it worth it for me - rather the win I probably wouldn't have been able to pull off, otherwise :D
Posted by Craftnburn on 2017-07-19 14:40:49
Retirements such as that are what's WRONG with Fumbbl.
Posted by ArrestedDevelopment on 2017-07-19 18:12:11
Game 1, krox and saurus mng, not 100% to get a box draw with the team for a while, no skills?

We're playing TV-MM here. Not leagues. Why keep a team that might not get a game?
Posted by CaptainParrot on 2017-07-19 20:14:58
I took my first ever Dirty Player as my first advance in a RRR. Next round, 2 Bull Centaurs fouled into oblivion. :)
Posted by finsterface on 2017-07-20 09:16:19
@CaptainParrot: Sounds epic. About to enter my 1st RRR with Necro. Maybe I'll follow on that dark path... XD
Posted by Lorebass on 2017-07-20 11:20:07
Its not regular league but my Skink SLA team is a good example of winning through fouls. Even without any DP and not-so-cheap players fouling still has its place in any bb game. Just less so again regen teams.
Posted by Sigmar1 on 2017-07-20 17:29:28
The 'power of fouling'? The 'power' to lose my own players for (usually) no effect? It's a very rare game fouling does anything other the put me at a disadvantage.
Posted by finsterface on 2017-07-20 22:49:46
@Sigmar1: Got curious and wanted to find out, how you tried the "power of fouling". Chose to only look at your Box-Nurgle (cheap players in a division where your matchmaking doesn't suffer from a fouling-stigma). Also only looked at their last 5 matches (too lazy ;-). Found out: 10 Fouls in 5 matches. 8 of those with DP. 2 Bans (both of those were Rotters). 3 KOs caused by fouling (1 Bloater, 1 Yhetee & some other player I don't remember). Sounds like a reasonable result for a modest attempt at fouling. If you want more, foul moooaaaar! XD
Posted by Sigmar1 on 2017-07-20 23:46:03
@finster: I don't have a Nurgle Box team...
Posted by finsterface on 2017-07-20 23:56:17
@Sigmar1: U r right, I guess I confused the divisions. I was looking for some Box team with cheap Linemen and a DP at all, but couldn't find any and went back to your Ranked-Nurgles! ;-)
Posted by finsterface on 2017-07-21 00:07:57
@Lorebass: Is it the "Canukistan Fiercerest GeckOhs"? 11 Fouls / 5 matches. More than I'm aiming at on avg. And Skink are not cheap plus DP is a double. No DP on the team, but a Sneaky Git. How is that working for you? :-P