Posted by zenken5ten on 2013-03-05 10:46:42
the box is it's own game, with it's own rules and it's own strategy. :shrug: play to win, right?
Posted by Garion on 2013-03-05 10:47:42
the box is lame. Just leave that dead horse full of those idiots and play in ranked.
Posted by zenken5ten on 2013-03-05 10:48:24
also note: i also refuse to play that cheeseball nonsense, but I totally understand those who do (even tho, I may or may not give them a hard time about it, based mostly on whether or not i have won a game / have a team left)
Posted by JimmyFantastic on 2013-03-05 10:52:52
Ahhhhhhh Yeahhhhhhh
Posted by koadah on 2013-03-05 10:54:03
Did you never of the Ranked division?
Personally I think they should ban lizardmen.
Posted by Muktar on 2013-03-05 11:17:35
Up side of Box more games.
Down side, everything you said.
Box is now for the cpomb twinks to snack on newbs to the site. If there is something more if you can get tv greater than 1800, not sure can't build a non-cpomb team past that point w/o facing the twinks to kill half of the team and lighten the TV load by at least 500.
Posted by Eisenherz on 2013-03-05 11:18:04
you got me convinved. cheers man
Posted by huff on 2013-03-05 11:21:17
High TV all killer teams is another blog.
Shouts out to coach Eisenherz who saw the error in his ways and only been playing this game for 2 years.
Y'all are/ we are better than this. We have to be.
Posted by zenken5ten on 2013-03-05 11:47:34
I don't get it... It's pretty obvious what the box is, if you don't like it, then it's pretty easy to play in some other format. Why whine about the choice that YOU are making? (when you can just as easily whine about dice instead!)
Posted by BillBrasky on 2013-03-05 11:52:56
I understand how some people can get frustrated; however I know that I cannot affect anyone else's sense of enjoyment. I play what is fun for me and others should do the same.
I'm always skeptical when someone wants to change how I play or should play to conform to their set of what they consider fun. Maybe some people need to purposely trim their team to 1400 TV because they are abused all day in the real world and the Internet gives them the medium to be a bully back.
While I agree it is very cheesy to purposely trim your team value so that your minimax team poaches new teams, I do not suggest we outlaw it. I think the public shame is enough to keep the majority of coaches with self respect from this type of behavior.
I don't agree that ranked is a better solution. I see equally flagrant violations committed in ranked. For instance I see one coach who plays only orcs and lizardmen and plays 90% of his marches vs only new coaches or those with very low CR.
In reference to the blog I, always enjoy playing vs Huff & I look forward to our next match.
Hang in there!
Posted by huff on 2013-03-05 12:03:52
The Box has become something that I'm guessing that the creator of it didn't intend it to be. It's disheartening to go into a random match where you are at a severe disadvantage against the players and not the coach. That's not to say that I have seen plenty of great coaches using these 'crutch' teams when there is no need.
Perhaps it's the TV matchmaking at its core that is flawed. It seems that it has snowballed and is an epidemic with the amount of these cheese teams.
Frustrating not being able to make some of these games playable and competitive. I just know it got tiring beating your kid brother at checkers all the time.
Posted by Calcium on 2013-03-05 12:05:25
Posted by huff on 2013-03-05 12:28:02
I'm more than hanging Bill.. I ain't goin no where. I know you are a guy who takes much grief for the WMDs but as you know they are far from a target of this rant. WMDs stay high in TV and every game is competitive (until the coin toss that is, ha). I first I feared and loathed your team but now I just fear them. And i do also welcome/enjoy to play them and yourself because I have a fighting chance against a quality coach. All teams are prepared to take on all threats at high TV so the circumstances are much different. High TV Chaos/Slayer teams like the WMDs and the Lone Stars are teams that I can't see myself playing but respect.
And like you Bill, no I don't think these Cheese teams should be banned but I hope public shame would be enough and perhaps some accountability to the community and OUR game. But I don't think it is enough. I see many coaches, respected legendary coaches using these teams and it sets a horrible example in my opinion.
Have some decently and love for the game.
Posted by Meltyman on 2013-03-05 12:34:33
Still not getting the point in trying to get people to play differently in [B]... it's fast food... it's supposed to be unhealthy for you.. but it's addictive.
Just make or join a [L]eague and get over your high horse.
Posted by huff on 2013-03-05 12:42:40
Screw the high horse. I could play by / abuse the rules too.
You wanna suck the fun out of a game? How about 4 minutes every turn?
All you wanna do is win? Ok, have the W; but its gonna come with no competition.
And what are blogs for but not to be on the 'High Horse' as you so eloquently put it?
Posted by Chainsaw on 2013-03-05 12:43:59
I never wish my opponent good luck. It is so disingenuous.
It is even worse if you've exploited the ruleset to gain unfair advantage.
"Good luck surviving my killer team which you have a massive disadvantage against. HAHAHAHA."
Posted by Woodstock on 2013-03-05 12:47:55
Box never was, is nor will be a place where coaches care about the fun other people have. One of the many reasons why L and R are far superior and always will be.
Posted by huff on 2013-03-05 12:55:29
Thank you Chainsaw.. Some damn honesty. At least they should own up to it. And I'm not a"good luck" guy either. I'm usually a 'let neither of us have terrible or great dice and the better coach be the victor' kind of guy, and I absolutely mean that.
Well have fun shooting fish in a barrel cock boys. Gotta do somethin to wiggle that worm. Just be warned that i am now on a 'suck the fun out of the game' campaign if I face you. So don't think twice to hire that 2nd bull or taking that +st. And try to refrain from cutting yourself after you walk over your opponent and get a +1 Fan Factor.
Posted by Muktar on 2013-03-05 12:59:08
As someone who was initially attracted to box because of being able to play more games, if it never was about having fun. There should be a warning sign:
If you don't care about TV Twinks that will murder your developing team, please proceed.
Posted by huff on 2013-03-05 12:59:26
I'm kinda worried about their fun too Woodstock. I mean, how fun can it be when the opponent can't even give them a decent challenge? At first I felt guilty about going against these guys and not being able to give them a match. Just my thoughts on the manner.. I mean if neither coach is having fun.. Then what?
Posted by maysrill on 2013-03-05 13:31:41
The Box is the Box. You obviously understand what goes on there. The fact that you don't like what goes on there gives you two clear options:
1. Don't play Blackbox
2. Deal with the way it is
In any automated matching environment people are going to tweak their teams to win (or kill) most optimally, given knowledge of how the matching works. Even if Christer was of a mind to "fix" Blackbox to your liking, it would just develop a new paradigm for min-maxing.
Far more reasonable is to accept it for what it is. For me it's very much a "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" proposition. I go in expecting to face a finely-tuned killing machine that may or may not have an AG4 SH guy in case winning ever comes up.
Teams I play most in BB: CDs, Chaos, Nurgle, Pact
Teams I play most in ranked: Humans (lately anyway), Lizards, DE, Orcs, Ogres (and throw some rats and WE in there, maybe)
Ranked is more work to get a game, but sounds more your style. Decline the matches with the teams you can't stand or coaches who annoy you. Play basher/basher or baller/baller, or whatever else you like. (pet peeve: people who offer nothing but their basher/your baller)
Posted by Qaz on 2013-03-05 13:43:27
I will no tell you how you should play blood bowl against ME so I can enjoy MY game!
Posted by koadah on 2013-03-05 13:47:07
It's kinda hard to feel sorry for the dude with the 63% win% ;)
Maybe you should stick to ranked and match against coaches who would be a challenge rather than sticking to the Box where you have a very good chance of drawing someone weaker. Who is the picker really?
If you are really hardcore where is your human team? ;)
Posted by huff on 2013-03-05 13:51:59
No need in the explanation of ranked vs Box (of what it is today). I ain't a rookie to this game or site. It's a plea to return some integrity into 1 of Fumbbl's 2 competitive divisions. These cheese teams are just bad for the community, which people have to ask if the value or not.
Be apart of the solution and not the problem. Perfect example "Well, if I can't beat 'em, then ill join 'em." Have some pride brotha, if winning is the only thing that matters then I know of some game where the AI plays BB and win all you want vs a non-competitive opponent.
Posted by huff on 2013-03-05 14:00:46
Is it down to 63% now? damn.. ive had a very bad run of drawing against cheese CDs and Pact lately. I don't pick my opponents, the draw does that, which I greatly appreciate for ease factor.
Ummm.. Humans don't appeal to me, that's why I don't play them.
@Qaz.. You don't need the crutch of min-max. You are better than that. I've seen you play.
Posted by luckyjim12 on 2013-03-05 14:41:40
It is no fun playing against min maxed killers, imo, and I don't now how it's fun for them. As soon as the draw is made and I see the opposition, my game plan changes into trying to foul their team and get my players safely banned. However, I can also see that CD skill selections are limited enough to make MB, claw and PO the obvious choice.
Posted by Hitonagashi on 2013-03-05 14:53:10
I'm the same as chainsaw.
I say "have fun", because I hope you do. I also want to win, so I never say good luck.
Posted by keggiemckill on 2013-03-05 15:06:15
Box has turned into an "If you can't beat them, join them," area to play. When you do min max, technically you should be putting your team at a disadvantage, when it is the exact opposite with most teams. Less RRs or positional players should make your team worse. It doesn't when you are playing an attrition battle. It's an explotation. But for fluff reason it's just a salary cap. You work with in your meens. I think the real fix is to put money back on the TV. I think there was less Min maxing back then. That's another topic.
By thr way, this reminds me of the old DP rants from LRB4. Explotation of killer skills has always been a problem here. Don't let it bother you. There is always other ways to play this game. TT anyone?
Posted by Jeffro on 2013-03-05 15:24:45
Rated 1 for this coming from a guy who joins a league and then drops out mid-way through...
It's people like you that ruin the [L]eague experience. You are not helping my league grow.
I don't say this to many people - even people I've argued with on occasion, because I welcome arguments - but 'Shut Up'. Don't even respond.
Posted by koadah on 2013-03-05 15:25:54
I say GL & HF.
It should be assumed I want myself to have good luck so the opponent having good luck just evens things up. ;)
Games where the opponent has horrible luck can be fun if the opponent as a good sense of humour. But often they just get bad tempered and irritable and it is no fun for anyone. (Unless you enjoy winding them up that is.)
I probably should wish the opponent "luck that is good but not quite as good as mine" but I just can't arsed to write all that.
I probably also should put "have fun if you can but I'm still going to try to win the game even if that means ripping your team to shreds". Again that is a bit too long and some people will crap their pants over the slightest little thing anyway.
Maybe we should just start every game with "**** you arsehole!" ;)
Posted by Hitonagashi on 2013-03-05 15:51:05
@koadah: That's what I think "Have fun" covers. I pretty much take it as read you won't be having fun if you are getting diced, and to me, fun is in an even game.
Posted by lizvis on 2013-03-05 15:59:09
i won't lie, i read about a third of the comments up to mine and then realized that i can't read this crap anymore. it's the same regurgitated arguments from last time this drama went around.
box is a crap division, always was and always will be. as soon as the influx of cyanide noobs runs dry, at the very least it will die down. and it will likely die off, just like it did during lrb4.
i'm a bottom line kinda guy and here it is: everything that you're complaining about huff, it's the fault of the designers, not the people who abuse the loopholes. let us assume for a minute that no one did any minmaxing or clawpombing. sooner or later, some really bad coach that is tired of losing would notice to do one of those things if not both minmaxing and clawpombing. and no one would mind at first, because after all, it's a really bad coach we're talking about, and those things would only go so far to cover up bad coaching. eventually, coaches that are slightly better than bad coaches would get tired of losing to bad coaches, and would start minmaxing and/or clawpombing themselves. this would eventually spiral out of control until above average coaches were doing it, forcing the top coaches to adopt said strategies. it's a natural progression of things, and something that should have been worked out in play testing, but obviously wasn't.
Posted by garyt1 on 2013-03-05 16:18:29
Actually I have to say I think the Box is not snowballing into worse situation and it is actually better than it was a year ago. There seems to be a greater variety of teams. But yes there are definitely plenty of problem coaches out there and always will be. Myself I have never used clawpomb and allow myself a few over cost linos etc. You know there is a good chance you will get a challenging game in the Box.
If you play someone who doesn't chat yes that is bad and is the main issue I have. Perhaps a third to a half of opponents. I just keep trying to have fun and hopefully a few others will be influenced...
A bit more match reporting from others would be nice (ranked too).
Posted by koadah on 2013-03-05 16:30:04
heh heh.
The Juniors doesn't match up because the lower TV teams are stripped out now. The variety could be worse
Posted by pythrr on 2013-03-05 16:37:41
wjhy you hate Poland Lammer mens? all time we see HATEHATEHATEYYY from mens from western BOMB ALL THE ARBABS countries, and we say, HEY< Y U HATE US MENS who ahve big hats? You have WMDs and bombs, and electric killer ninja squirrels, so Y we no allowed to have cow and big hat mens? We say NO! We will no longer be held back by WESTERN MENS bias vs. the GLORious Polanski mens of LAMMER for public entertainments in days of recession and AUSTERITY times. What else we watch, TV? HAHA you havings a joke, even WALING DEADS is boring as cooking show with non-naked wimmins like in Sweden. Pfft.
Posted by Garion on 2013-03-05 16:44:52
Oh no Spiro hacked Pythrrs account!
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2013-03-05 16:45:12
This was a very fresh and refreshing insight on a often over looked topic!
Posted by PainState on 2013-03-05 16:54:22
Iam getting very confused now....Seems that one of the "Big" complaints is that coaches are not "social" in the box.
I thought that was one of the big features about the box? The ability to not be social at all and get a game? Up to an including anti-social behavior?
The entire divison is structured around a FUMBBL game mechanic that rewards being a git. Lets call a spade a spade. Lets be honest.
It is the only DIV on FUMBBL that does not outside pressure from other coaches to conform to a style of play. R/L/S/A/F all have/had outside pressure put on you as a coach to conform to some sort of norm. BOX has none of that. You make a team, hit activate, play and move on. No one can pressure you to do anything expecpt play your match.
So any coach who attempts to impose some sort of "norm" on the Box is beating their head against a brick wall.
In fact you could argue that if you say there needs to be some controls put on the box then you are breaking the "spirit" of the BOX.
Posted by PainState on 2013-03-05 17:04:58
As a side note to my main comment:
Iam still trying to wrap my brain around this idea.
The Box DIV as I pointed out above promotes and even encourages anarchy, a enviroment with no social "norms" or outside interference. No limitations, no "outside" pressure put on you and do what ever you want, withing the rules of CRP and FUMBBL.
So how is that Div considered the pinnacle of competition on FUMBBL? A div based soley on anarchy? A div that encourages being a git and pigeon holes team builds to the point that there are only really 4 variations of team builds higher than 1800 TV?
Iam not saying that it is not competitive..Iam just questioning why some consider it the pinnacle of competitivness on FUMBBL.
Help me wrap my brain around that concept...I might even agree with you.
Posted by oryx on 2013-03-05 17:05:38
As someone who plays pro elves with the occasional underworld thrown in, I definitely disagree that box is nothing but minmaxed chaos clawpomb. What's more, the higher you go, the less it's minmaxed and the more it's just people with teams (albeit a lot of killers). My solution has been to play to the meta - pro elves don't care much about claw, and generally survive pretty well. I see you've done the same with norse and wood elves. Although it's scary to lose your pixels, clawpomb is only occasionally an overwhelming advantage if you're prepared to face it - and anything is occasionally overwhelming, clawpomb or not.
It sounds to me like you want everyone to play your game. You could choose to only play high tv box, or not play box at all, or play some (more intelligent) version of bash, but instead you're asking the community to play nicely at mid tv.
I just don't think it's going to happen.
Posted by shadow46x2 on 2013-03-05 17:12:15
keep it clean, or the entire blog gets removed...
blogs are still required to follow site rules regarding language policy...
Posted by cameronhawkins on 2013-03-05 17:27:29
Lizvis is spot on.
Posted by PainState on 2013-03-05 18:28:16
I think a shadow just passed me by...**SHIVERS** man that was a scarry moment...glad that shadow moved on...thought the Grim Reaper had come for me at last.
Posted by uuni on 2013-03-05 19:03:11
@Painstate: I think I get some of what you say in your comment.
I think box as a division provides the environment that most closely matches "the wild". It provides the level of attrition that matches "how bash would your opponents be, if they reasonably try to win". In ranked, one has the option to dodge matches that they see too killy or too hard. This makes dodging hard matches a norm there, which means you don't have to focus on survival so much but instead can put your TV towards scoring.
In the end, isn't FUMBBL Cup a perfect trial to see, which division is more competitive each year? Settle arguments by playing more Bloodbowl, sounds perfect! ;-)
Posted by Ignaz on 2013-03-05 19:14:52
unlucky for my bad english, but i can better read as wrote english.
there i will say, that i also think, minmax teams destroy the game / community. ok, that the game or rules, but fun is a other therm. and the mostly minmaxcoaches can also play with other teams.
Posted by huff on 2013-03-05 23:21:47
I feel like Jerry Maguire after he wrote the mission statement.
@kegs I wish their was a TT scene where I live but it non-existent.
@jeffro Apologies brotha. I fealt and still feel bad about that. Had a bad patch of life last fall. I wish I was still in that league, it's one of the few NA based leagues.
@Lizvis Surprising but agree with you and it's kind of what I meant by by snowballing. Everyone is just following the leader. And yes I think it's prolly down to the TV-Based matchmaking that leaves room for exploit.
@pythrr You are great brotha. Even when playing with your Facist scum Pollocks.
@Painstate You are right. Sad but true.
@Shadow Well based on some of your other comments on another blog, I know you agree with me or may have already removed this. And thanks for helping running the site.
I guess we'll just let everyone play follow the leader and shoot fish in a barrel. Do everything they want 'with-in' the rules.
Posted by Dan-Da-Man on 2013-03-06 02:39:16
you mean lame teams like this
Posted by Muktar on 2013-03-06 05:24:22
If it is Anarchy, then there would be no rules that needed to be followed in the Box. So, no anarchy is not only not correct, but isn't even the definition of anarchy. If TV was recalculated where even certain skills were worth more tv than others (change po & mb to 50tv and watch the power of cpomb be nerfed).