Well, I'm officially without a day job. Company wasn't doing well, cost cutting, etc., etc.
The upside though is twofold! First and most obvious, I have plenty of time for BB now, and playing games against western european opponents got a whole lot easier. Second is that I'm going to be able to write full-time!
Most of you who actually read the blogs section are probably aware that I'm a fantasy author. I published my first book,
Firehurler, earlier this year. My second novel,
Aethersmith, is coming out in two weeks or so. I'll have the time to make sure all the editing is finished up comfortably in time for a June 1 launch.
I'm also hard at work on the third book of the trilogy, which will be out later this year.
That is where I will see some real payoff for my freed up time.
So look for me on the pitch during regular business hours in the coming days and look for the books when they're ready to publish.