Posted by sonrises on 2014-03-30 20:49:25
I am really getting curious now. Who is that person so patient and persistant to wait for this post and rate it 1 every single week?
and it has been going on for longer 2 months now. :)
I take no offence at all, don't get me wrong if you read this, just getting curious to know why do you so persistently express your opinion in such a way.
I do not really advertise this much at all. Easy to skip. I am getting really curious! ;D
Posted by cdassak on 2014-03-30 21:08:54
Seems like you have a secret admirer :P
Keep it up mate!
Posted by Dominik on 2014-03-30 22:46:18
Its nothing to worry about such little runts.
Posted by Chainsaw on 2014-03-30 23:13:57
Likely somebody who never appears on the lists as they never win anything. So they leave their mark by voting down blogs like this. ;)