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2012-11-02 14:35:34
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2011-12-09 22:06:03
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2010-11-10 18:30:45
rating 2.9
2010-11-10 18:30:45
40 votes, rating 2.9
Booing reasons.
I'v watched many matches and i ask myself what is the reasons, that people does booing and why does cheering.

For example: when coach who is not liked by some spectator, will fail important action then spec. giving him "/cheer", but for who and for what ? Coach that is liked by this fan isn't moved yet, so ... i can say, that some people are hipocrites, subjectives creatures.

deduction1 : "/boo" on succeded action for disliked coach, and "/cheer" on failed action for disliked coach. My God where am i ? On the Earth or on some crazy planet.

deduction2: "/boo" on silly move / positioning and unnecessary risky actions, and "/cheer" on don't know when pfft. Srsly people are strange, and things that gave them fun is completely irrational.

Haters !!!

justagigolo wroted:
are you serious???????????? hahahahahahaha
its amazing how many times i been /boo or /cheer and yet still get same amount of either good or bad dice. I take it all the rolls should be 6 yeah??????????
seriously if you think its that bad then why are you still here?
Spiro easy way round it is turn crowd sound off. This way you dont know if your being boo'ed or not lol

answer : justagigolo you are completely wrong, one more time with overinterpet or missinterpret , missread choose word what you want. where the hell i'v wrote, that it's bad for me and that was during my matches, ohh mister "know everything better". pffft the hands falling down.
For your info, when i hear that specs aren't objectives then i do sounds off. Happy now ?


Garion wroted: Wow a Spiro Blog that isnt about the broken RNG ;)

answer: Garion, why should i write more about RNG, most people on fumbbl knows that RNG sucks, nothing more to say about that.

NocoolNickLeft wroted: I think it is funny with this blog, especially after Spiro himself cheered when Apojar t16 fouled a player of mine (needless to say, that my +st +ag chaos warrior died). And Spiro do not like me - what planet is this? Hater!! ;)

Yes you'v catched me, almost, i'v watched your match vs Apojar, Apojar asked fans whether shoud do foul, i'v can't asnwer him YES, YES, YES, KILL HIM, KILL HIM, and i did /cheer and fumbblGod agreed with as, me and Apojar, btw i like your last report vs Crobbleoblepie, i think you'v almost changed your mind about this program. Btw, i am happy when you have crappy dice, even with your good playing style. Last btw, most times i do /cheer for good actions and /boo for bad positioning.

I can tell you why i don't like you, i think, that you write what people want to see, i mean how nice person you are, when you are angry during match then you write "HE HE" If you think, that people will believe in this then you are mistaken. I don't know you and i can say only what i see, i am not hater, i only really don't like people with BIG EGO

KJG, i loved your blog post about improbable skill result ;D that was awesome.

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Posted by justagigolo on 2010-11-10 18:43:21
It is a well known fact that the /boo and /cheer emotes effect the random number generation. Every time the crowd boos one of my actions I know for a fact that the next roll will be a 1. FACT. Quite frankly it is preposterous that this bug has not yet been fixed yet, and it is clearly going to be the downfall of FUMBBL. How people can continue playing with such a clearly broken system is beyond me.
Posted by Calcium on 2010-11-10 18:48:51
deduction3 : Calcium = auto /boo
Posted by Naru1981 on 2010-11-10 19:29:23
justagigolo are you serious????????????
its amazing how many times i been /boo or /cheer and yet still get same amount of either good or bad dice. I take it all the rolls should be 6 yeah??????????
seriously if you think its that bad then why are you still here?
Spiro easy way round it is turn crowd sound off. This way you dont know if your being boo'ed or not lol
Posted by PeteW on 2010-11-10 20:11:12
Posted by Garion on 2010-11-10 20:39:21
Wow a Spiro Blog that isnt about the broken RNG ;)
Posted by justagigolo on 2010-11-10 21:07:29
The internet apparently needs a sarcasm font. :)
Posted by f_alk on 2010-11-10 21:13:35
fun is irrational!
Posted by Nightbird on 2010-11-10 23:24:52

that's all i have to say!

Posted by Frankenstein on 2010-11-10 23:27:27
They just /cheer and /boo cause /lol, /cry, /omg and /wth are missing.
Posted by pythrr on 2010-11-11 01:50:11
"On the Earth or on some crazy planet"

Posted by KJG on 2010-11-11 08:09:24
You don't need a sarcasm font, all you need is this smiley :P

Btw, Spiro thought you wrote FMSTAN's post.
Posted by Nielsh on 2010-11-11 08:43:09
The right sequence to get the next roll to be double skull is /boo, /boo, /hurt, /cheer. It works every time .....

We all know RNG is broken, but at least now we can actively change this with /boo and /cheer ...... now where did you say this sarcasm font was?
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2010-11-11 13:10:36
I like how you keep a dialogue going in the blog instead of using the comments option like everyone else. :)
Posted by stej on 2010-11-11 13:47:13
I think the Boring cheer in the new client is by far the most fun. I recall speccing a game and there was a torrent of about 10 borings in a row. Made me laugh for so so long
Posted by pythrr on 2010-11-11 17:14:39
there should still be a /wtf noise.
Posted by Skolopender on 2010-11-11 18:20:02
Thanks for the entertainment Spiro. This was fun to read.

Lurve from Skolopender

I cheer for you! ... When you play Spiro ;-)
Posted by easilyamused on 2010-11-11 20:08:14
/me scratches head

What the hell did he just say?
Posted by sebban on 2010-11-11 23:54:05
Rated 6! Please blog some more Spiro, ur spot on!
Posted by spiro on 2010-11-12 16:07:49
I can tell you man what the difference is between as, i do not tell bull sh..ts about persons whose i don't know, i don't say, that you cry, whine. I told you only, that i don't like you because my intuition said me that. I don't know you and i can't evaluate you for sure, that's the difference.
Once i watched you match vs Jinhx, , DE vsDE you had crappy dice, each turn double skull, 1,1,1,1 on the ball actions, you said nothing completely, maybe something like my bad dice or "nuffle hates me", however i was really sad when in 7 turn second half game was crushed and i'v heard, that your saves was corrupted, so bad.
Hmm i don't know you and i won't say what i really want to say, but i don't believe you man, i would not go with you in the mountains or other serious undertaking, i repeat, i don't know you, but i don't like people whose behaves like machines, because they afraid what people will says about them.
Difference beetwen as is, that you won't show your emotions because maybe you think, that it's toughness proving.

Couple things that i know about you :

1- You always try find something on your aim "person" that he is a lier and hipocrite. I hope, that it's not because you are him forselfs.

2- You really try not showing any emotions.

3- You very often write about people in bad evaluates.

4- You very often say about yourself, that you are very nice person.
Posted by shadow46x2 on 2010-11-12 18:17:15
spiro...perhaps you should go look up the meaning of the word hypocrite...

you throw that word around way too much, and it's obvious you have zero understanding of the meaning of that word

Posted by spiro on 2010-11-13 00:57:41
i don't need it, i asked Jinhx and if i good remember he said, that you lost connection, but it's not my business, i know only,, that you lost this match very spectacular for Jinhx.
Result was 2:0. I am very sad, that match isn't uploaded because your championship standing would be much lower that month.
Posted by spiro on 2010-11-13 01:27:52
btw, i knew, that after start writing blog, in the same moment i will start write blog war against you and shadow46x2.
I am really sad, that my English is not enough to fight against you i even don't see any aim in this. I want only beg you very much, don't comment my blog with such much sarcastics and venomous words. If you won't stop then i will even not answer on this.
Posted by uzkulak on 2010-11-13 17:34:53
You can pretty much only cheer or boo, so if you dont want to cheer but still make a comment on the game then you are virtually obliged to boo.
Posted by spiro on 2010-11-14 01:05:18
I said already, it's not my competence, but i watched this match and i am SURE 100% , that jinhx controlled match from start, you had less players on the pitch, result was 1:0 and jinhx had the ball to 2 TD, after this match i even said that to admin "Greedy", that i watched it and i asked him about this match, because that match was on the end month.

Now you want persuade me, that you had not any reasons to avoid this match, OKAY man, it's your thinking. You mean, that lost match it's a my own invention yes ? heh Now i know why i don't like you.

If i will see jinhx then i ask him, but i know what i saw.
Posted by Skolopender on 2010-11-14 01:14:41
And I always thought it was Leonardo Di Caprio who was playing Arnie Grape...

Posted by spiro on 2010-11-14 02:03:32
Skolopender, do you know already how to win ?
Posted by Curro on 2010-11-15 11:34:14

I missed you Spiro. :_)
Posted by spiro on 2010-11-16 18:43:06
Lier write to me, that i lie. In your twisted brain i asked jinhx about a drawed match, i even have been at an admin and i said lies. pffft your brain is sick man, you think, that i am the same lier as you are.

In fact, i think, now you can write even, that result match was 5:5 it's doesn't matter because saves are corrupted.

I am very sad, that i did not print screen ; [
Posted by spiro on 2010-11-17 22:40:21
Posted by NoCoolNickLeft on 2010-11-18 17:41:37
Deleted all i wrote since there is no point in arguing with someone that wont answer what i ask, wont get any proof, constantly says im sick in the brain, a liar (with no proof), a guy that in his own blog made different stories about a said game.

It is hopeless and just gets me frustrated, like an admin said when i asked for them to remove spiros lies.

Prinz: "You start a flamewar with spiro, you get what you pay for." (let us all argue with lies, should make it a nice place to be:D)

Cant argue with someone that manufactor proof in his own head and then use it to argue with... I hope you get better Spiro. Keep on making up stories about people just because you dont like them - shows a lot about you, that you cant argue by sticking to the truth but have to make up things to use in your trashtalk:)