Posted by Rijssiej on 2010-11-25 16:04:50
It is a conspirocy!
Posted by spiro on 2010-11-25 16:07:15
bleh !!!
Posted by freak_in_a_frock on 2010-11-25 16:16:37
If you look you will also see that Randy_Moss is an anagram of Man's Dry, So! ...... Now if that isn't conclusive I don't know what is
Posted by Calcium on 2010-11-25 16:19:16
Posted by spiro on 2010-11-25 16:22:03
Yes Calcium, i agree, you haven't arguments to defense that. dice results ; ]
Posted by Jeffro on 2010-11-25 16:37:05
You need to zen out, for sure, spiro...
Learn the rules... and you have.
Then know when to break those rules... this is your next task.
Zen does not wonder why. Zen accepts. Zen does not deny the miracles of others. Zen recognizes miracles of their own.
Find your Zen, spiro... find your Zen. :D
Posted by freak_in_a_frock on 2010-11-25 16:54:36
Ok Spiro. Rather than use one game as proof that the dice memorize the coach rolling them, go back through all the games these coaches played and then see if your theory holds true.
Posted by freak_in_a_frock on 2010-11-25 16:56:57
actually the dice rolls from that game were
D6: 1(150) 2(127) 3(123) 4(120) 5(156) 6(137) Total(813)
Therefore showing the most common numbers rolled were 1's and 5's, not 5's and 6's
Consider yourself Spirowned
Posted by spiro on 2010-11-25 17:36:06
Break Rules ??? what do you talking about mate. O.o
Zen accepts ? hehe so this Zen it's very naive posture. If you say to me what should be my next task hehe i can say, that next Your task should be learning to be much assertive and enquiring instead be like a statue of salt. I think Zen posture is for EMOS but i mean, not for black painted eyes EMOS, but for scared EMOS whose won't say anything wrong, even if it's truth.
Napoleon Bonaparte said : sorry i know this in polish language, but i'll try translate:
"Obawiac sie trzeba nie tych co maja inne zdanie, lecz tych, co maja inne zdanie, lecz sa zbyt tchorzliwi by je wypowiedziec."
-We should not afraid people whose has other opinion, but people whose has other opinion, but they are too cowardly to declare it.-
However if you mean, that Zen is = i don't care about the dice results then OKAY paffft
Posted by spiro on 2010-11-25 17:49:30
freak_in_a_frock, i didn't said about statistics dice results of all match, did you noticed it or not ?
Posted by SeraphimRed on 2010-11-25 18:00:00
Actually, I think spiro is on to something here.
1d blocks are looking effective these days, but not nearly as effective as -2d blocks against my st6 Mummy.
So I would not only support spiro's theory on making 1d blocks more regularly but go further to suggest making -2d blocks by positioning your players against opponents assists.
Please keep me abreast on how the proof of concept goes.
Posted by Curro on 2010-11-25 18:17:11
Posted by f_alk on 2010-11-25 20:11:43
Yes, you should do 1d blocks only. If that doesn't work, you should go the way that homeopathic medicine takes, and do only -2d blocks. If that still doesn't work, you need to work hard to get only -3d blocks.
Posted by spiro on 2010-11-25 20:22:36
These comments going weird way.
Posted by Jeffro on 2010-11-25 20:46:54
No, you silly little man. Zen is the opposite of EMO. Emo gets upset at the most trivial thing that might shake their view of their shallow little world... Zen let's it roll like water off a duck's back.
So getting offended by someone suggesting something and you viewing it as an attack would be "emo". If I were truly zen (and I never claimed to be) I would not have even responded.
Posted by spiro on 2010-11-25 23:09:37
silly little man buahahahahaha that was good. I bet it's prove what is your "ZEN"
Btw in your thinking, EMOS it's a scary beasts from nightmare like Freddy Krueger hehe
Posted by freak_in_a_frock on 2010-11-25 23:52:00
Sorry my mistake Spiro. You feel that statistics aren't needed to prove a point.
Now in this match I lost the coin toss. This shows that everyone should enter orcs into tournaments because they always win the toss as the dice remember that they like orcs more.
Posted by easilyamused on 2010-11-26 00:08:44
Stats kinda speak for themselves there Spiro me old mucker.
Rng seems to have a pretty even spread there, which is what you should expect really, you know, law of averages and all.
Once again......epic fael
Thanks for the lolz though
*zen ftw*
Posted by Irgy on 2010-11-26 00:55:44
1d blocks can actually be quite effective. With block they fail no less often than an elf dodge, without block no less than a human dodge. There's no sense rolling one dice when you could roll two, and avoiding 1d blocks is a good rule of thumb, but the best players aren't afraid to make a few 1d blocks at the right times.
spiro, forget statistics and probability theory, here's the problem you have, by way of an analogy. People who believe in the supernatural have the inherant advantage that their worldview can explain absolutely anything. While people who don't believe in it are forced to constantly explain every unusual and unlikely event, ghost theories cannot be disproven because they never produce any predictions which can be tested and contradicted. Similarly, your vague view that the RNG is broken can never be disproven. So here's a task. Come up with something that you or someone else could take advantage of, and you'll have something that could be tested. If you can't, then, well, if no-one can take advantage of it then it's a fairly useless theory isn't it.
This blog is a start, you give the theory that 1d blocks work better than they ought to, supported by the evidence of the linked game. This can be tested. Do 1d blocks work better on average than they ought to? Well, I expect you'll find out they do not. But maybe 1d blocks work out better than they should for some people, or in some situations. Until you work out who and when you don't have a useful theory. When you do, come back to us and we can test it.
Posted by spiro on 2010-11-26 02:32:40
sorry dude, but your explanation is twisted, i have not idea what you mean in this. You completely overinterpreted me. I didn't said anything about statistics, sry dude, i think, that you have read some comment here about statistics and blamed me. I did not wrote anything about propability theory.
Read one more time what i wrote in this entry, you just commented things what i didn't wrote. For example, where i wrote, that i don't use 1 db blocks, your deductions are too fast and unnecessary. You wroted, that good coaches uses 1 db blocks in right moments, heh, pity. Do you think, that i don't knew it ? Your problem is, that you think, that i am totally imbecile and you know best. I wrote, that these guys played lame match, but dice didn't noticed that absurdultity situation.
Btw whose they are : , "come back to AS and WE can test it, srsly you watched too much Lord of The Rings and Gollum's words ; ]
Posted by spiro on 2010-11-26 02:44:13
Btw stop testing theories dude, get common real dice, throw it 30 times and try get 19 POWS, nothing more.
Posted by pythrr on 2010-11-26 02:59:08
happens all the time spiro
happy times
Posted by Jeffro on 2010-11-26 06:20:57
I like how spiro quotes Napoleon (one of his fellow stunties, I guess ;)
"Napoleon Bonaparte said : sorry i know this in polish language, but i'll try translate:
"Obawiac sie trzeba nie tych co maja inne zdanie, lecz tych, co maja inne zdanie, lecz sa zbyt tchorzliwi by je wypowiedziec."
-We should not afraid people whose has other opinion, but people whose has other opinion, but they are too cowardly to declare it.-"
... and then he discounts everybody else's opinions :) It's an awesome example of hypocrisy. Either that or an awesome example of how much he drinks and the effect of tumblers of vodka on a person's rationale...
/me preps my list of Polish jokes in preparation for the response to this one...
Posted by Curro on 2010-11-26 09:48:34
Posted by asharak on 2010-11-26 10:13:08
I just wasted some time going through the replay.
Yep, lots of 1-dice blocks, though most of them are by one team. A total of 34 1-dice blocks were thrown. Of these 11 got a POW. I don't know how many were rerolled along the way. Yep, thats quite lucky but not ultra-extreme.
Posted by freak_in_a_frock on 2010-11-26 10:16:19
In August 2001, Nasser Hussain, the England cricket captain, lost the toss for the 14th successive time.
Are we then to assume that the coin remembered each time that Nasser was one of the team captains and therefore chose to make him lose the toss? Even though a different coin was used each time?
Posted by Nielsh on 2010-11-26 11:04:58
@freak_in_a_frog: He should have moved team mates over to get a 2d coin toss. But RNG is broken so it is better to only get 1 coin toss. This Nasser Hussain is clearly a newbie.
And I bet that the spectators influenced the coin toss as well and the ref used admin powers to change the coin toss and all the coins used for the coin toss have a collective memory and made Nasser Hussain loose, just like all 1d blocks on Fumbbl have a collective memory. You have to come up with better arguments than that ..... My gosh :)
Posted by spiro on 2010-11-26 14:51:12
asharak wroted :
"Yep, thats quite lucky but not ultra-extreme."
Bwahahahaaa !!!
You mean, ultra extreme would be 30 / 30 pows and then would be a reason to say : hmm something is wrong with this program, but dunno what, so forget it.
Posted by Mikilus on 2010-11-26 14:56:42
Posted by Purplegoo on 2010-11-26 15:36:34
Dear Spiro.
I agree with all that you say.
Could you write us a new RNG to replace this joke program?
Posted by asharak on 2010-11-26 16:53:16
Hmm. My program for calculating the odds on this eventuality can't handle more than 20 dice rolls it would seem. Weaksauce. Someone that can actually code is welcome to solve it, or who understands maths well enough to do something sneaky with equations or whatever.
For no good reason I've decided to see the odds on getting 6 in 18 rolls, seeings as its the same ratioish. And that apparently comes out at 6.53% ... which might be right. Or might not. Depending on if my coding went horribly wrong.
Oh, and my caculator tells me 30 pows/30 blocks are unlikely :)
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2010-11-26 17:59:09
One game doesn't = statistics
Posted by asharak on 2010-11-26 18:08:15
Yeah wasn't saying it did, just wanted to calculate the odds as I suspect they really arn't *that* low for an apparently unconceivable match.
Posted by Garion on 2010-11-27 13:49:04
I have seen a lot more 1 dice blocks recently (possibly because of the inlfux of new coaches) and it annoys me when they roll pow after pow. But I certainly will not start doing it all the time because i knwo if i do i will roll skull after skull etc...
But it doesnt matter because the RNG is broken anyway isnt it Spiro ;)
Posted by spiro on 2010-11-27 20:11:13
Garion, where have you seen that, on fumbbl or where ? heh people are detacheds from reality, too much fumbbl games pfft.
Posted by Slex on 2010-11-29 12:51:36
Rated 6 just because of the hilarious comments this blog entry generated!
Posted by MadTias on 2011-01-10 20:37:53
This blog deserves to be a forum post.
Posted by spiro on 2011-01-10 20:42:36
No, i am not a masochist.