Team Mummi 1 - 0 Ducks of Hazard
Khemri! I've had an excellent game, but this wasn't it. :P
Basic tactics from the outset: tie down mummies with linos if needed, target the blitzras and throras. Separate the mummies from the ball handlers, and score early and often - khemri will never catch up.
First drive, they receive and punch out some of my players. I try to move my fast players in their half, then have two turns of first action turnovers. Their ball carrier gets into relative safety only for me to steal it. Faced with more turnovers, I had to move the ball in the center hoping dodge would save me. My catcher was punched down or out so I couldn't score before half time - but neither could they.
Went into second half with six players, set up a flimsy offense and suffered another turnover, after which everything was locked down and the throw-in practically handed the ball over to the blitzra - appropriately named Tor-So. :)
I saw one miniscule chance to 1d blitz it but when that option passed it was pretty much game over.
Game development wise: no skills gained. A Block catcher received -AG, not sure if I should keep him. The AG4 lino received a niggle, he's gone. Finally, a rookie lino died in service. Cashflow allowed for a new player, I opted for a new lineman.
DIe 3 lustigen 2 1 - 1 Ducks of Hazard
Dwarfs! My nemesis, I always have a psychological disadvantage when playing against them. Somehow I always get sucked into a slugging match that I cannot win. This time, I face 11 dwarfs, with 5MB and a few Guard. No DP, and no one on the bench. If I can get a few out early it's going to be easy, otherwise it will probably hurt a lot.
Anyway, to defeat dwarfs it helps to spread the playing field. With elves, that's easy: go with a passing game and watch the dorfs spend all their rerolls on GFIs instead of blocks. Humans however, have it slightly more difficult. Even if they're just as fast, they don't have the agility to dodge or pass reliably.
Plan B: do a bit of slugging and score before I get beaten up too much. Also, running the clock down is incredibly effective against dwarfs, their window of opportunity to score TDs end much earlier than for other races. It would have to be a mix of these two.
First drive, early BH gave me a slight edge. Second turn had us see a disconnect, so if you see strange things in the replay it's just me recreating the field. They get stuck in, and their Blitzer gets placed poorly: he was surfed a little later down the game. Turn 4 had the important dodge roll, if I failed the ball would be lost in the scrum. I managed the dodge and got in a very good position, near their endfield without threats unless the Dwarfs decided to dodge. They do recapture the ball briefly but with no backup it's not enough to stop me from getting the ball again and stall for the 1-0 at half time. Also, my Blitzer almost RIPd himself on a 1d :)
Second half started with Pouring Rain and had one of my linos MNGd, and another KOd. I thought I could get a Guard blitzer next to their ball carrier but forgot to make it a 2d block. After that, I got myself in a very bad position as my team was stuck in the tangle of Guard Dwarfs and blitzers pinned at the sidelines. Of course, to win the game they would have to score twice so they scored comfortably in turn 5.
Last drive I tried the old bait and switch to score with the 4spp Blitzer. I was counting a bit too much on the handoff to work, perhaps a bit foolish. In turn 7 I was so determined to make it work I neglected to rush receivers to score in favor of handing the Blitzer the ball, ending in failure. A last turn blitz left a possible receiver of mine (another Blitzer) standing but getting the ball to him proved futile.
Team development: 1 lino MNG, 1 lino niggled and got fired. Two skill rolls, Guard on Blitzer and +ST on Catcher. Damn, I had intended that Catcher to get DP! Had 90k to spend, 50k went into replacing the fired lino. I had expected a comment on what to take for that -AG Blitzer before this game; he got Frenzy - the reasoning being that if he's going to suck at ball handling he might as well make himself useful with something else.
Ducks of Hazard 3 - 3 Morg'N'Thorg's - Flying Circus
I happen to think that Ogre teams are pushovers, so that might've been why I got too cocky to win. Alright, basic tactics from the outset: bash goblins, run away from the ogres. They had two rerolls, my handicap was doom&gloom - pretty good.
First half they receive, I get Blitz! and flood their backfield with my players. An early block reroll for them made them play the first half without rerolls, good. A few lucky dicerolls further and I'm leading 1-0 at turn 1. Turn 3, Scrappa loses the ball to a catcher following a blitz, catcher dodges out to handoff for the 2-0. Next drive, they set up for a ttm and fail. I surround the ball as well as I can yet the ball carrier manages to stay clear of my blitz, so it's 2-1 at half time.
First turn in second half, failed pickup and Scrappa runs away with the ball. Luckily, my fast team can catch up with him and retrieves the ball. The playing field gets stretched, ogres can't keep up and I walk it in with a lino for the 3-1 at turn 6. At the time I thought, I could get away with it without stalling... I probably should've stuck with my instincts. They receive yet again and go for a ttm with Scrappa who fails the landing. I ran with the ball, unsupported into their backfield. Even if they did get the ball I would still win 3-2, right? My turn 8, I thought it was the last turn of the match so I set up to minimize the effect of a Blitz!, then tried for the completion with the 5spp blitzer. It failed, and Scrappa was thrown in, got the ball and scored the 3-3. That'll teach me. :P
Team development: 4 skills! Blitzer got double but aged -AG. Lino got +AG, and two normals, one on a Blitzer and one on a Catcher - they got Guard and Block respectively. I'm tempted to go Frenzy with the AG2 Blitzer but maybe there's a better choice?
Also, winnings are 80k - I need some more meat to put on the LOS... if all goes right I'll get 40k in the next match for the 4th Catcher!